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  • breakdowtruck2

    hi m8 looked on the internet and found farecla g3 compound but its liquid is that ok ,couldn't find it in halfords.will a normal wax like autoglym or meir (think that's right) be ok to use with this .thanks steve

  • #2
    ok u can use the liquid,it is easier by hand,paste is better but much harder work,do not,i repat do not use/toch/go near merr,it is total cack,use the autoglym high resin polish


    • #3
      thanks for that. merr in the bin i must admit i do like autoglym will get the liquid and give it a go


      • #4
        What Steve ya becoming a "Shiney"

        There's always a Payback .... It'll always take longer than five minutes !!!!
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          ... them lanes the other week weren't even that tight,

          this one from the previous trip was erm.. a touch tighter shall we say ,can't remember if you were there or not steve?
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #6
            no no no me off road m8 s its for me isuzu not me good ol surf i like all the scratches on that i really needed to remove the BIGHORN sticker on the back of the isuzu ended up removing all the decals and as trina wont let me go off road with it thought id do it up a bit and give her a nice clean car for the weekends. looking forward to woodlands next sun so i can put a bit more mud on the surf.put a shine on the surf ha and get rid of all the lovely marks no way

