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Hilarious email

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  • Hilarious email

    I just received the funniest scam email ever! I haven't posted it all as it was too long and indecipherable, but here's the first line. You can imagine how it went from here...

    "Dear Friend,

    I hope you are fine and living in good atmospheric condition. I am Mis Fatou Mohammed from Abidjan Coted'Ivoire in western part of Africa . I know quite alright that this mail we look suspicious"

    Living in good atmospheric condition? Is she asking me if I have wind? Nice to see she freely admits it might look suspicious emailing a stranger out of the blue and offering them $20 million... No! Really?!

    You've got to laugh!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Someone, somewhere, will fall for it.



    • #3
      Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
      Someone, somewhere, will fall for it.

      well did you????????


      • #4
        £20 million....really..hang on ill just go and get my bank details and all my personal information and email it to you so you can send me the money

        If it can be broken it can be fixed


        • #5

          Some of the stuff on there is brilliant.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Probably a bloke anyway! love the afro-speak tho, people do fall for it, there was one in portsmouth the other week that got taken for 20 odd grand, he was on meridian tonight and looked a right dick, (and it was not me)
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
              Probably a bloke anyway! love the afro-speak tho, people do fall for it, there was one in portsmouth the other week that got taken for 20 odd grand, he was on meridian tonight and looked a right dick, (and it was not me)

              I cant believe anyone still falls for that scam, anyone over the age of about 11 anyway, seriously if someone you have never met offers you millions for practically nothing dont these numpties think "hang on a minute"....

              The last thing I would do if I get taken in by one of these is go on the telly and whine about it, thats just sad!

              I love the 419 eaters site, some of the things they do to them is sooo funny.



              • #8
                And this pile of cack has just hit my inbox

                Investment Portfolio/Proposal From Mr.Jeff Duke
                From: MR Jeff Duke
                Custody and Clearing Dept
                SIBPLC(Standard Irish Bank Plc)
                London, United Kingdom.

                My Dear friend,

                My name is MR. Jeff Duke , I work with the SIBPLC as the Regional manager/External Auditor, in the Western Region of WEST LONDON.I am 53 years old with three kids. I have packaged a transaction that will be of mutual benefit to us.

                As the branch manager of SIBPLC Bank of united kingdom, it is my duty to send a financial report to my head office in the capital city, at the end of each financial year. Following the release of the second quarter financial report, ending June 2006, I discovered that my branch made in Three Million,FiveHundred British Pounds Sterling.(3.500,000. pounds); from the transactions accruing to the account of the Inland Revenue Service (IRS). This was not detected by the renowned auditors from my head office.I have moved the funds into what the Bank call Escrow Account with no beneficiary.

                Meanwhile as you know I can not be directly connected to this money for obvious reasons. So my contacting you is to assist me receive the funds in your Bank account in your country; which I know is possible if you liaise properly with me and get 40% of the total funds as your benefit.

                The transfer would be made via swift and There are practically no risks involved,it will be a Bank-to-Bank wired transfer.All I really need from you is to stand and claim as the original depositor of this fund. I will compute your particulars as the person who made the deposit in my branch, so that my head office will immediately order the transfer to your designated Bank Account.

                I am also willing to invest my own part of the money into any moving business in your country after the accomplishment of this project.

                I will appreciate it if you are willing to work with me in this project.. Mail me or give me a call if you think we can work together. +447035969193 so that we can go over the details.

                Yours truly.

                MR. Jeff Duke,
                Now call me a tatty womble, but if I was his dear friend shouldn't he have known my name ?
                A pie a day keeps anorexia away


                • #9
                  Must be the season. I just got this beauty:

                  Greetings,Metalon Products Limited is a small family owned private company and we are into extensive range of upholstery covers, including vinyls, polypropylenes, 100% wools and most of the popular fabrics available in New Zealand supplied worldwide since 1964 with numerous customers home and abroad. We need representatives in the United States/UK who will be in charge of all our payments from the United States and United Kingdom clients/customers.Most of our customers from United States and Canada pay through Money Orders and Certified Checks which are not negotiable here in New Zealand. This brings our quest to employee a credible and trustworthy fellow as our representative to handle our payments. This would not affect your present job but serve as another stream of income to your good self. Being our representative and assisting us in processing the payments from our clients shall earn you a weekly salary and commission of about 10% of every payment you assist us with.Due to the fact that we can not process the US/Canada Certified Checks here in the New Zealand, we have lost in the past about $85,000 of net income each month because of money transfer delays. Most of our clients/customers who purchase our products need to pay large amount of money through their Bank wire transfer account and this is the reason we also need a representative who has eligible account to receive money for our company through Checks,.Your task is to coordinate payments from our customers and help us with the payment process. You are not involved in any sales.If you are interested, email us back for more informationRegards,Regards,Met alon Products Limited97 Harrow Street, Dunedinwww.metalon.co.nz


                  • #10
                    I just got this which is one of the better ones from 'lonely ladies' that I've recieved.

                    Greetings the Friend!!!
                    I liked your structure on one of places for acquaintances, and I have made a decision to write to yours. Wash name Alina. In me 28 years. I wish to speak at once to you, that I search for serious communications. I wish to find the one who wished to experience a long and happy life. I very cheerful and at me am a good comic genre. I wish to find much unique love and the true partner in life. I wait that you will answer me,

                    I do like a girl who's a good comic genre! I wonder which one? Hope its slapstick


                    • #11
                      In her 28 years eh?

                      By god she must be sore!!!
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                        I just got this which is one of the better ones from 'lonely ladies' that I've recieved.

                        Greetings the Friend!!!
                        I liked your structure on one of places for acquaintances, and I have made a decision to write to yours. Wash name Alina. In me 28 years. I wish to speak at once to you, that I search for serious communications. I wish to find the one who wished to experience a long and happy life. I very cheerful and at me am a good comic genre. I wish to find much unique love and the true partner in life. I wait that you will answer me,

                        I do like a girl who's a good comic genre! I wonder which one? Hope its slapstick

                        She neds to get a better translator, those free online ones just aint up to snuff!



                        • #13
                          I keep getting the FBI wanting to give me unwanted drug money..........
                          Working at last.......


                          • #14
                            How long before they get topical - "I snaffled $xxxxxxxxxxxx from Madoff or Stanford" ?
                            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
                              How long before they get topical - "I snaffled $xxxxxxxxxxxx from Madoff or Stanford" ?
                              If it can be broken it can be fixed

