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Fuel Float switch

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  • Fuel Float switch

    Hi Guys, I'm trying to find out how to fit a float switch to a fuel tank feeding a generator.

    I have never done this before and thought some one here might be able to give some pointers please.

    The genny runs with a 12v supply and I am assuming that a relay with a no volt contact would be needed and then a switch.

    The thing is I can't seem to find a switch online anywhere,

    Does anyone have any thoughts please?

    Many thanks

  • #2
    A float switch can be the same type of design, (but smaller), to the ball valve setup in a cistern, or similar to the float setup in the brake reservoir on the Surf where you have the reed switch and magnet setup with the magnetic float sliding up and down the shaft.


    • #3
      ahh yes - thats a good thought - Thanks!

