Rain in tewkesbury last night so all the snow gone.
Bit frosty and slippy when the missus got up to walk the dogs but just wet when i went out to work. The roads not the missus.
Found one thing out over the weekend well two actually.
1. Avon Ranger tyres are crap in the deep snow
2. I aint got limited slip diff's.
Yep got her stuck in a gateway both wheels on one side merrily spinning away. Thought drive in drink coffee, make snow man, reverse out.. simple...NOT SIMPLE.....
Managed to get her moving forward and prayed she did not get stuck further in the field before turning round going for the gateway as smoothly as possible.

Got friends up where this pic was taken near Cowley Manor and they had another 4" or so of snow last night.
Bit frosty and slippy when the missus got up to walk the dogs but just wet when i went out to work. The roads not the missus.
Found one thing out over the weekend well two actually.
1. Avon Ranger tyres are crap in the deep snow
2. I aint got limited slip diff's.
Yep got her stuck in a gateway both wheels on one side merrily spinning away. Thought drive in drink coffee, make snow man, reverse out.. simple...NOT SIMPLE.....
Managed to get her moving forward and prayed she did not get stuck further in the field before turning round going for the gateway as smoothly as possible.

Got friends up where this pic was taken near Cowley Manor and they had another 4" or so of snow last night.