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  • @popeye

    ian could u not redesign the arms of the step to make it a little lower?,just think it would be a massive shame if you sold her,or maybe lower it back down again?id buy lift stuff off you?swap wheels?(im being serious here)/give u more for them?

  • #2
    Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
    ian could u not redesign the arms of the step to make it a little lower?
    Why not just do away with the wife? Problem sorted.


    • #3
      Aye mate! been giveing it some thought today, thinking if i obtained some more air rams and seated em up in the floor pan (mean some cutting and perhaps a little loss of foot room) i might be able to use the step set up i have and be able to make it rise and lower, trying to remember who it was i bought the first ram off, began with "W" as i remember, it wernt Webbo tho, he sent me the air fittings and 5 port, see what i can work out, as i say it was just going through my mind to lay it up or get rid all together,
      apprecieate your offer to buy the bits tho Andy, it may come to that if i cant work out summat for the step, as ya say pity! i've just got it to the stage/look i wanted after nion 4 years of owning it, getting shot of it will def be the last resort tho, should that happen you will have the first dibs (shotgun) on it mate,

      do ya think we pi$$ed of pops? certainly did'nt mean to! aggree with Sancho tho, a newbi would have recieved some stick and how many threads on this section go in all bl00dy directions? especially when the useual suspects get going, dont bother me, it's why this forum is the best, $hit if ya cant have a laugh ya might as well pack it in
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Originally posted by MattF View Post
        Why not just do away with the wife? Problem sorted.
        now your talking! but who to get to do the "wet work"?
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
          now your talking! but who to get to do the "wet work"?
          If you're on National news next week, I never put the thought in your head.


          • #6
            Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
            Aye mate! been giveing it some thought today, thinking if i obtained some more air rams and seated em up in the floor pan (mean some cutting and perhaps a little loss of foot room) i might be able to use the step set up i have and be able to make it rise and lower, trying to remember who it was i bought the first ram off, began with "W" as i remember, it wernt Webbo tho, he sent me the air fittings and 5 port, see what i can work out, as i say it was just going through my mind to lay it up or get rid all together,
            apprecieate your offer to buy the bits tho Andy, it may come to that if i cant work out summat for the step, as ya say pity! i've just got it to the stage/look i wanted after nion 4 years of owning it, getting shot of it will def be the last resort tho, should that happen you will have the first dibs (shotgun) on it mate,

            do ya think we pi$$ed of pops? certainly did'nt mean to! aggree with Sancho tho, a newbi would have recieved some stick and how many threads on this section go in all bl00dy directions? especially when the useual suspects get going, dont bother me, it's why this forum is the best, $hit if ya cant have a laugh ya might as well pack it in
            ok ian well the offer stands permanantly,same goes if u need any help sorting out/finding another motor,infact anything i can help with,you are one of the few that have really helped me out here,and i live by the old saying treat others the way u want to be treated,and yr a star


            • #7
              Originally posted by MattF View Post
              If you're on National news next week, I never put the thought in your head.
              Chokey might not be so bad!!! three squares a day, widescreen telly, pool, some other c###doing the cooking/washing up and i'm too old to worry about getting bitched up,

              a plan is forming
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                ok ian well the offer stands permanantly,same goes if u need any help sorting out/finding another motor,infact anything i can help with,you are one of the few that have really helped me out here,and i live by the old saying treat others the way u want to be treated,and yr a star
                gosh, shucks and shuffle me feet
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                  gosh, shucks and shuffle me feet
                  lol sorry,just being honest


                  • #10
                    was it mr woppit by any chance, was wondering where he ever got to whilst we was out laning yesterday. Seemed to appear for a month or two with a nice, well sorted surf and then dissappear again
                    =SOLD UP!=


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nero279 View Post
                      was it mr woppit by any chance, was wondering where he ever got to whilst we was out laning yesterday. Seemed to appear for a month or two with a nice, well sorted surf and then dissappear again
                      Thats him Ian cheers, was going to check back through my posts later, i'll pm him and see if he's any more rams for sale
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        Ian give me a shout on the bits you need I'll see what I've got I know I have some cylinders. I'll help out if I can. I'm of to sunny climes the weekend for two weeks but I still have time to get them to you. Valentines pressi for the wife


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Webbo View Post
                          Ian give me a shout on the bits you need I'll see what I've got I know I have some cylinders. I'll help out if I can. I'm of to sunny climes the weekend for two weeks but I still have time to get them to you. Valentines pressi for the wife
                          Thanks once again Dave, very hesitant in asking you as ya never accept any payment and i tend to feel i'm takeing the pi$$, however i will send summat should you have any bits i need, there's absolutly no rush mate as i've only just got the idea so i need to do some drawings, measurements etc to see if it'll work, main thing is to measure the ram travel i'll req, i'll get back to you when i know more and you have a good holiday, sounds very nice especially after the rubbish weather here,
                          just thought of one question tho, will one 5 port valve opperate 3-4 rams?
                          the lowering rams will need to all work at the same time if you know what i mean, thinking 3-4 rams for stability as i wont really be able to fit channels for the step to slide down in so the ram arms will be the only things attached to the step, i'll do some drawing meanwhile and thanks again, all the best, ian
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                          • #14
                            Hi Ian, Yes the valve will operate multiple rams, What you will probably need is flow control valves on each one so that they will operate at the same time/motion,or one large ram with guides, just let me know when you have come up with an idea and I will see how I can help............and dont be darft I have always said if I can help anybody I will.
                            Cant wait till my hol been working month now without a break just gunna put my feet up and enjoy.............


                            • #15
                              Cheer's mate, prob give you a call after your break in the sun, have a goodun,
                              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

