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Highway for Heroes

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  • Highway for Heroes


    There is a petition to get the stretch of road between Lyneham and Wootton Bassett re-named the "Highway of Heroes".

    For those of you that dont know this is the road the unlucky few coming back from Iraq/Afghanistan come along on their way to the coroners at Oxford.

    Being in Wootton Bassett town when they come through is a very humbling and moving experience, one that is happening all to frequently at the moment.

    So if you could take a few minutes to fill in this link it would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Time is an illusion.
    Lunchtime doubly so.

  • #2
    Done. I don't want to be negative, but as it's a tribute to our service men and women, I doubt this will happen, but if I go into that I will get very angry................!

    Cheers, Nick
    "The force will be with you, always!"


    • #3
      done, hope it happens the lads deserve it.


      • #4
        I will probably get slated for this, but why such a cheesy name? It sounds like something out of the Sun. In Colchester (which is an army town), there is a street called the Avenue of Remembrance, which is, I think, a far more appopriate name.

        'Hero' is a strange word to use to describe a person who has been unfortunate enough to be sent to their death by the Government. 'Waste of a life' would seem more appropriate.


        • #5
          who thought of this?...

          daft idea!...

          i wouldn't want any of my family to be carted around the public after they die!

          stick 'em in a black van, take them to their local funeral director and then have a private family and friends funeral.

          it's like calling eastbourne high street, old lady parade!
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            Sounds like something an American would dream up? Sorry, but I'll not be signing for this either.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #7
              I agree about the cheesy name but if this petition reminds 1 politician that these men and women have paid the ultimate sacrifice acting in their name then it is not wasted.
              Sign it or don’t but please do remember these people all have loved ones who will miss them every single day.
              Time is an illusion.
              Lunchtime doubly so.

