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Red diesel - again

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  • Red diesel - again

    I've just been offered a drum of red diesel (208 litres) from my employer as we have got rid of a big genny we used to use so no longer need it, and storing it / disposing of it is going to cost.

    If I get in touch with C&E and pay the duty on it, and presumably get some sort of receipt to say I have, I guess I could legally use it?

    Has anyone here done such a thing?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Logically that sounds like it should be easy but knowing C+E it will be a royal pain in the arse.

    Be really interested to hear what they say though. I guess there is the argument that if you can use it and they give you a receipt to show the paid duty then effectively your fuel system could be stained legally so for arguments sake you could use more in the future and unless dipped could get away with any retrospective investigation of the system.

    Not that I have ever heard of anyone being dipped let alone their system checked for staining.


    • #3
      Fit a towbar, hire a bowser, fill it and sell the diesel to farmers.


      • #4
        just use it 50/50 with norm diesel
        i x toyoyta surf 1 x toyota supra mk3 turbo auto


        • #5
          If you do get the green light and you are concerned about the redness from what I remember straining RD through cat litter is meant to remove it (still can tell RD from a dip test but that wont be a concern)

          On the other hand if you do get the green light then you have an excuse for having red dye stains in your fuel system for ever more which could be a bonus


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
            Fit a towbar, hire a bowser, fill it and sell the diesel to farmers.
            or just put the drum in the boot!??
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              [QUOTE=biosurf;526561]If you do get the green light and you are concerned about the redness from what I remember straining RD through cat litter is meant to remove it (still can tell RD from a dip test but that wont be a concern)

              nooooo we tried that a few years back it takes hours for it to filter through and it only comes out a lighter pink so you would have to do it again,, we gave up and just used it. not in a car you understand
              i x toyoyta surf 1 x toyota supra mk3 turbo auto


              • #8
                Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                Not that I have ever heard of anyone being dipped let alone their system checked for staining.
                May be more common over here, but I heard a story about someone getting stopped and dipped, had RD in. The police gave him a large (I think £500) on the spot fine, so he called his wife to go and get some cash and bring it. Which she did, in her car, which they dipped. So that was £1000. The police kindly agreed to accompany them home, where their son's car was parked on the driveway...

                That'd make you think twice


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Apache View Post
                  I've just been offered a drum of red diesel (208 litres) from my employer as we have got rid of a big genny we used to use so no longer need it, and storing it / disposing of it is going to cost.

                  If I get in touch with C&E and pay the duty on it, and presumably get some sort of receipt to say I have, I guess I could legally use it?

                  Has anyone here done such a thing?
                  Just use it it will be fine. You will only get busted if you blab to everyone


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                    If you do get the green light and you are concerned about the redness from what I remember straining RD through cat litter is meant to remove it (still can tell RD from a dip test but that wont be a concern)

                    On the other hand if you do get the green light then you have an excuse for having red dye stains in your fuel system for ever more which could be a bonus

                    Yes cat litter will do it (or Fullers earth) the trouble is the cat litter then becomes a toxic waste that costs to be disposed of .
                    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                    • #11
                      2 weeks ago I found a Pepsi bottle with the top cut off, 2 empty 25ltr containers that had red diesel written on them in big letters and a big diesel spillage right in the gateway to my stable yard. Cheek of it. Pikeys


                      • #12
                        Some good info here:


                        It looks like you've got bugger all chance of using it legally. As Vince said, probably best to flog it.


                        • #13
                          Now I could be wrong, but, I was always under the impression that staining the fuel system isn't a problem. If you use your vehicle off road you are perfectly entitled (or were) to use red diesel, and to mix it with white that's already in the tank. All you have to make sure of is that you put no more red in than you would use off road, and of course it helps to have some proof of off road miles. All this could have altered over the last few (maybe quite a few) years so check it first.


                          • #14
                            If you have a company receipt to say that you are disposing of the diesal for personal use only but i would recomend using it blended with vegoil as a lubricant in the fuel mix. Also a charcoal filter tends to bleed off the dye and as you dont need to declare 2500 liters of vegoil the diesal will be definatly aid the burn.
                            Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look

