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I'm still here ......................... just

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  • I'm still here ......................... just

    Hello friends, sorry I've not been about, it just seems to be one thing after another, I was suffering with high blood pressure (since August/september) & the doctor was trying to get it down, I then started to get chest pains that lasted 5-10 minutes then passed, the doctor told me to call an ambulance if they last longer than 5 minutes but me being me didn't like to call them out but then tuesday night I had the chest pains again but this time it went on for ages, once I realised it wasn't going to pass I dialed 999 & asked for an ambulance, first a rapid response vehicle arrived & put me on oxygen then the ambulance arrived, they got me in the ambulance & hooked me up to machines & gave me various medication & off we went to the hospital, I was there hooked up to monitors for 15 hours & had various blood tests, they discovered that my heart is ok but it looks like narrowing of arteries, they wanted to put me on a treadmill but because of my spinal injury & permanant nerve damage they couldn't do it so I have to go back to have some radioactive substance injected into my bloodstream so they can see where the problem is, then they'll inject adrenaline in me to get my heart rate up, the upshot is I can't do anything until I get the all clear & that could be months, about 2 months until I get the tyests then who knows how long after that.
    I've already sold my Land Rovers as I was finding it increasingly difficult to attend the shows & now I'm taking my amateur radio licence exam so I can at least do something I enjoy especially as I can't do much else, I can't even wheel myself in my wheelchair.

    I'm not a complete idiot.......

    My kneecap was removed in 1981

  • #2
    sorry to hear your news but good to see you back on here. It would be a good idea to get in touch with some relevant charities (i.e. British Heart FOundation) their helplines are often staffed by people who can give you even more advice than medical staff and have more time (and often more specialist knowledge) than your GP and those at hospital.

    Hope all goes well

    BHF Heart Information Line

    The BHF Heart Information Line is an information service for the public and health professionals on issues relating to heart health. Visit http://www.bhf.org.uk/hearthealth/in...condlevel=1585 for more information or c ontact the line on 08450 70 80 70 (a local rate number).


    • #3
      hope all goes well m8 n the tests are clear good to see ya back


      • #4
        sorry to hear that matey
        sounds like ya had a ruff time lately

        regarding your injection and scan
        i have had it matey
        it gives you hot flushs and makes you feel a bit panict
        just relex and remember its just the drug not you

        and dont do anything no matter how bord you get
        its fixable if you do has told

        then ya back to spinal injury & permanant nerve damage just like me
        copeing with that is hard enoght with out other things
        i have other things too
        and cant move when all 3 hit at the same time

        hope it all works out for you matey
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          Thanks chaps, I appreciate your kind words, I think not doing things is more difficult, I had limitations before but now I can't do anything, I'm taking my amateur licence exam in a few weeks so at least I'll be able to get on the radios & chat all day.

          I'm not a complete idiot.......

          My kneecap was removed in 1981


          • #6
            Hi mate sorry to hear of ya spinal Injury mate on top of finding yourself in a wheelchair, to find out you got a Heart Problem as well ....
            (I refused a wheelchair n settled for two Sticks 15 ago (scoliosis) I also have a heart problem (Cardio Myopathy,diagnosed in 2008) all me brothers, son n daughter n 5 Grandkids now gotta go for similar test's your going to have ...
            Good Luck with the Tests Mate....
            Then to top it all last week was offered a walking frame with wheels n brakes...

            Keep popping back n Good Luck

            There's alays a Payback .... It always takes longer than five minutes !!!!
            Buncefield Burner


            • #7
              Best of luck with the medics mate and good luck with the RAE, I took mine back in 1982 and became G6DDV then took the morse a few years back and am now G0WIJ.
              I don't get on the air much nowadays but have still got the radios and antennas up, maybe we will speak on the ether one day.
              Best of luck and take good care, enjoy working the world on the wireless as soon as the licence comes through !!!
              Best regards, John.


              • #8
                sorry to hear about problems have had the radioactive one i could not hug my boys or go by children or pegnant women for 24 hours after you have injection you have to drink pints of water to pee the excess out hope you feel better soon


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
                  Hi mate sorry to hear of ya spinal Injury mate on top of finding yourself in a wheelchair, to find out you got a Heart Problem as well ....
                  (I refused a wheelchair n settled for two Sticks 15 ago (scoliosis) I also have a heart problem (Cardio Myopathy,diagnosed in 2008) all me brothers, son n daughter n 5 Grandkids now gotta go for similar test's your going to have ...
                  Good Luck with the Tests Mate....
                  Then to top it all last week was offered a walking frame with wheels n brakes...

                  Keep popping back n Good Luck

                  There's alays a Payback .... It always takes longer than five minutes !!!!
                  Just you make sure the zimmer they give you is Clog proof. See you end of May mate

