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Why arent we this wackey?

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  • Why arent we this wackey?

    American's seem to like huge and massive trucks, with the acceptions from some (phantom), why doesnt know one in this country do this.... i take it all the parts we get to lift trucks; like these would come from the U.S mainly?

    and can someone tell who f*k made that bumer haha, its HUGEEE xD

    sorry for such a random thread was a bit bored xD
    If at first you don't succeed, redefine success

  • #2
    The parts are much cheaper and widely available in the US for a start and our roads are too narrow/overcrowded to drive them on, plus you can't park them anywhere and they confuse MOT testers.

    p.s. I'll take the top one please.


    • #3
      i can only assume its becuase its cheaper, due to it being more common over there, with the likes of fuel and genral costs alot cheaper its easier to do, can u imagine trying to run any of those trucks over here as ur daily driver

      ps ... that last truck is hideous


      • #4
        Originally posted by Antony_James View Post
        i can only assume its becuase its cheaper, due to it being more common over there, with the likes of fuel and genral costs alot cheaper its easier to do, can u imagine trying to run any of those trucks over here as ur daily driver

        ps ... that last truck is hideous
        lol wtf? is up with that bumper and sliders, looks like they've been penciled in on paint or something, wouldn't it be easyier to get our parts from over there, i know import tax (or whatever they deduct) is relitively high....

        know what you mean about the roads, theres a dodge RAM runs round my area, the clip of him trying to negotiate a bend is hilarious...
        If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


        • #5
          Originally posted by mousey View Post
          lol wtf? is up with that bumper and sliders, looks like they've been penciled in on paint or something.

          hahaha quality


          • #6
            Fuel is a big killer... Those trucks will be lucky to reach double figures.

            Hummer is 6mpg stock before the big lift an tyres. I LOVE the hummer H2. Its a great looking truck but at 6mpg it would be so low on my list its insane!

            As for the bumpers, I sometimes feel a bit unsure with my tjm one an its tiny compared to them!!

            Also as Vince pointed out the roads here are just not suitable for most of them.

            There are three roads that get to my house, One i could get a dodge down no problems, One would be a bit iffy an one would be a total no go!!


            • #7
              Also as Vince pointed out the roads here are just not suitable for most of them.

              There are three roads that get to my house, One i could get a dodge down no problems, One would be a bit iffy an one would be a total no go!!

              Easy solution then, buy one & move home, preferably next to a petrol station

              Problem solved.
              If its not broke don't fix it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mousey View Post
                American's seem to like huge and massive trucks, with the acceptions from some (phantom), why doesnt know one in this country do this.... i take it all the parts we get to lift trucks; like these would come from the U.S mainly?

                and can someone tell who f*k made that bumer haha, its HUGEEE xD

                sorry for such a random thread was a bit bored xD

                only reason i dont do that is

                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #9
                  plus you'd have to fabricate arch extensions big enough to make those tyres legal here, and usually that means the truck will look shit coz hugely oversized arches seem to be the only thing that going big on doesn't work. that and cost to build as well as running costs make it a no no for most.

                  also, how would you get your dog in the back there?

                  and...as a nation, we're about a foot shorter on average to the yanks.

                  and...you can't get through a drive through here in one - there you can.

                  too much red tape to take a crap in this country also, nevermind driving something completely different and not to mention that the bigger it is, the quicker it kills the planet.
                  i swear, it was like that when i got here...

