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K**b heads the lot of them.

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  • K**b heads the lot of them.

    Why is it that when it snows and it settles on cars, people drive around with their car covered in it?
    The bonnet, mirrors, windows and all lights should be cleared of snow before driving anywhere. The lights so that you can be seen, especially when braking or indicating and the bonnet cleared off so that the snow doesen't blow onto the windscreen and obscure vision. Mirrors and windows should be cleared for obvious reasons.
    Is it a case of 'I've got more snow where I live' kind of mentality or just downright lazyness?

    And don't respond to this if it applies to you, you have NO excuse!

    Mr Angry, south Wales.
    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 2 February 2009, 19:18.

  • #2
    Thats what is known as a rhetorical question. You answered it in the title. Its because they are bone idle.

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    • #3
      You've already answered the question in the thread title.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bogus View Post
        Thats what is known as a rhetorical question. You answered it in the title. Its because they are bone idle.

        Bugger. Beaten to it.


        • #5
          Sorry Vince, i didn't clear any of my snow today, been in to town and back and it's all still there.....

          .... I walked.
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #6
            dear mr angry
            can you please tell me what snow is as we dont see much of it here in cornwall. oh is it that white stuff that looks like a bad case of dandruf? lol

            know what you mean though m8 its like a comp to say look how much snow weve had half mile up road from you lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by MattF View Post
              Bugger. Beaten to it.
              thats a first aint it matt lol


              • #8
                Originally posted by MattF View Post
                Bugger. Beaten to it.
                Dont worry about it, its unlikely to happen again

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                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  Why is it that when it snows and it settles on cars, people drive around with their car covered in it?
                  The bonnet, mirrors, windows and all lights should be cleared of snow before driving anywhere. The lights so that you can be seen, especially when braking or indicating and the bonnet cleared off so that the snow doesen't blow onto the windscreen and obscure vision. Mirrors and windows should be cleared for obvious reasons.
                  Is it a case of 'I've got more snow where I live' kind of mentality or just downright lazyness?

                  And don't respond to this if it applies to you, you have NO excuse!

                  Mr Angry, south Wales.
                  Dont forget the roof Mr Angry. Its a real hoot when they brake and the entire snow content of the roof slides down over the screen.

                  Сви можемо


                  • #10
                    funny you should say that,i was helping recover a 57 merc at 6.30 am on a dual carraige way(lost control and sat in 6 inches of snow) the driver said "i was doing great but then the snow off my bonnet slid onto my windscreen so i couldn't see"lol


                    • #11
                      and personally i was enjoying watching many many vans trying to get up hills as i went round picking up several of our drivers who couldnt get their own trucks out lol,one road was v funny,almost like a slalom course dodging them


                      • #12
                        .........and another thing, why do they (young blokes especially) think that if they sit there revving the nuts off the engine and spinning the wheels they'll soon get moving.

                        FFS!!! Tax the stupid people.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                          .........and another thing, why do they (young blokes especially) think that if they sit there revving the nuts off the engine and spinning the wheels they'll soon get moving.

                          FFS!!! Tax the stupid people.
                          i disagree most cars i saw today were doing that,although white van man seemed to mostly do it


                          • #14
                            i actually followed an 08 range over today up very snow icy hill,he went up fine,then got the flat and cause he couldnt get it fast enough,he floored it and ended up facing me(while i did massively ott claps for him),he didnt look happy


                            • #15
                              Coming home this morning, when everything was fresh and white. Car in front of me was right up the back of the lorry in front of him, so I left a nice gap between him and me, the pillock behind me was less than a tow rope away.

                              Actually had to enguage 4wd to complete a 3 point turn outside my house, because the back end lost traction. Back at work 5 tomorrow, so think I'll continue running the surf this week.
                              Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

