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Can Anyone Guess What these Are For?

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  • #16
    I had one of my cars (MGB) keyed in a car park once... really annoying.

    But that idea is just plain stupid. What happens if you catch some poor innocent pedestrian with them or scratch the hell out of your doorframes, or furniture?

    And if you are ridding close enough to a vehicle to use them, they could catch the bodywork twisting the handle bars and throw you under the wheels of the car or truck?

    I’m a keen cyclist myself and there is no need to resort to using those. Just use your eyes, stay alert and away from other road users.
    Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


    • #17
      Originally posted by PDR View Post
      ...stay alert and away from other road users.
      ...and if a car pushes close enough past you that those would work, that's what SPD cleats are for If you think everyone's out to get you (and fix spiky things to your bike to prove it), suddenly it'll be true. Otherwise only one in every few thousand or so has a go!

      I cycle to work in the summer, 14 miles each way - rarely a problem but the occasional t**t does try to kill you (one swerved across 4 empty lanes of road at me and the missus with headlights of full beam. Little key things don't do much good when you're in serious danger, but I'd've loved a brick in my hand that day...)

