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driving licence offence codes??

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  • driving licence offence codes??

    Hiya all - just a quickie...
    I'm in the process of renewing my car insurance and need to give the offence code for when i got caught speeding last year - 3 points.
    I still have the original speeding ticket - which states offence code HE56 (XS 30MPH) - and my driving licence came back to me after they added these 3 points - with offence code CV80.

    So far - every online car insurance website does not recognise these codes and have been trawling through government driving licence offence codes listing websites which also do not list them.

    The only code similar to CV80 - is CU80 (maybe slip of the pen by mrs endorso-licence) but this relates to driving whilst using a mobile phone.

    Has anybody encountered either of these codes themselves - or know what they mean??
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    Surely you should be SP30 ?

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      not sure about those, but normally a speeding ticket with 3 points and a £60 fine would be SP30.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        I would agree with both of you.
        An SP30 on your licenec is not big deal when it comes to insurance quotes - I'm just a tad worried what these codes will mean to the quote?
        Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


        • #5
          Try ringing DVLA to get some feedback, they may have cocked up your license when you sent it to them.
          I wish it was mine.


          • #6
            These are the only ones i can find no CV80!

            Construction and Use offences
            CU10 Using a vehicle with defective
            CU20 Causing or likely to cause danger
            by reason of use of unsuitable
            vehicle or using a vehicle with
            parts or accessories (excluding
            brakes steering or tyres) in a
            dangerous condition.
            CU30 Using a vehicle with defective
            CU40 Using a vehicle with defective
            CU50 Causing or likely to cause danger
            by reason of load or passengers.
            CU80 Using mobile phone while driving
            a motor vehicle
            Licensing offences
            LC20 Driving otherwise than in
            accordance with
            a licence.
            LC30 Driving after making a false
            declaration about fitness when
            applying for a licence.
            LC40 Driving a vehicle having failed to
            notify a disability.
            LC50 Driving after a licence has been
            revoked or refused on medical
            Miscellaneous offences
            MS10 Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous
            MS20 Unlawful pillion riding.
            MS30 Playstreet offences.
            MS40 Driving with uncorrected defective
            eyesight or refusing to submit to a
            MS70 Driving with uncorrected defective
            MS80 Refusing to submit to an eyesight test.
            MS90 Failure to give information
            as to identity of driver etc.
            Motorway offences
            MW10Contravention of Special Road
            Regulations (excluding speeding
            Pedestrian Crossing offences
            PC10 Undefined contravention of
            Pedestrian Crossing Regulations.
            PC20 Contravention of Pedestrian
            Crossing Regulations with moving
            PC30 Contravention of Pedestrian
            Crossing Regulations with
            stationary vehicle.
            Speeding offences
            SP10 Exceeding goods vehicle speed
            SP20 Exceeding speed limits for type of
            vehicle (excluding goods or
            passenger vehicle).
            SP30 Exceeding statutory speed limit on
            a public road.
            SP40 Exceeding passenger vehicle speed
            SP50 Contravention of motorway speed
            SP60 Contravention of temporary speed
            Accident offences
            AC10 Failure to stop and/or give
            particulars after an accident.
            AC20 Failure to report an accident
            within 24 hours.
            AC30 Undefined accident offence.
            Careless Driving offences
            CD10 Driving without due care and
            CD20 Driving without reasonable
            consideration for
            other road users.
            CD30 Driving without due care and
            attention or without reasonable
            consideration for other road users
            (including undefined cases).
            Insurance offences
            IN10 Using a vehicle uninsured against
            third party risks.
            Traffic Direction and Sign offences
            TS10 Failing to comply with traffic light
            TS20 Failing to comply with double
            white lines.
            TS30 Failing to comply with a ‘Stop’ sign.
            TS40 Failing to comply with directions
            of a traffic constable.
            TS50 Failing to comply with a traffic
            sign (excluding ‘Stop’ signs, traffic
            lights or double white lines).
            TS60 Failing to comply with a school
            crossing patrol sign.
            TS70 Undefined failure to comply with a
            traffic direction or sign.
            A B
            Careless Driving offences
            CD40 Causing death through careless
            driving when unfit through drink.
            CD50 Causing death by careless driving
            when unfit through drugs.
            CD60 Causing death by careless driving
            with alcohol level above the limit.
            CD70 Causing death by careless driving
            then failing to supply a specimen
            for analysis.
            Dangerous Driving offences
            DD40 Dangerous driving.
            DD60 Culpable homicide whilst driving a
            vehicle: manslaughter (prior to the
            Criminal Law Act 1967 in England
            and Wales).
            DD80 Causing death by dangerous driving.
            Miscellaneous offences
            MS50 Motor racing on the highway.
            MS60 Offences not covered by other
            Disqualified Driver offences
            BA1O Driving while disqualified by a
            BA30 Attempting to drive while
            disqualified by a Court.
            XX99 Over 3 months disqualification
            under ‘totting-up’ procedure.
            TT99 Over 3 months disqualification
            under penalty points procedure.
            NE99 Non-endorsable offence for which
            you can be disqualified, i.e.
            criminal act.
            Theft or Unauthorised Taking offences
            UT50 Aggravated taking of vehicle.
            Drink or Drug offences
            DR10 Driving or attempting to drive with
            blood/alcohol level above limit.
            DR20 Driving or attempting to drive
            while unfit through drink or drugs.
            DR30 Driving or attempting to drive
            then refusing to supply a specimen
            of blood or urine for laboratory
            DR40 In charge of a vehicle with
            blood/alcohol level above limit.
            DR50 In charge of a vehicle while unfit
            through drink or drugs.
            DR60 In charge of a vehicle then
            refusing to supply a specimen of
            blood or urine for laboratory
            DR70 Failure to provide specimen for
            breath test.
            DR80 Driving or attempting to drive
            when unfit through drugs.
            DR90 In charge of a vehicle when unfit
            through drugs.
            C D
            Alcohol Reading Table
            for drink driving offences
            Conviction Blood Urine Breath
            D1 80-100 107-134 35-44
            D2 101-120 135-160 45-52
            D3 121-140 161-187 53-61
            D4 141+ 188+ 62+
            D5 Specimen Specimen Specimen
            not given not given not

            tell them its an admin error and ask them to remove it.
            If it can be broken it can be fixed


            • #7
              Ask on Peepipoo.com.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jaky cakes View Post
                Hiya all - just a quickie...
                I'm in the process of renewing my car insurance and need to give the offence code for when i got caught speeding last year - 3 points.
                I still have the original speeding ticket - which states offence code HE56 (XS 30MPH) - and my driving licence came back to me after they added these 3 points - with offence code CV80.

                So far - every online car insurance website does not recognise these codes and have been trawling through government driving licence offence codes listing websites which also do not list them.

                The only code similar to CV80 - is CU80 (maybe slip of the pen by mrs endorso-licence) but this relates to driving whilst using a mobile phone.

                Has anybody encountered either of these codes themselves - or know what they mean??
                why tell them????
                i x toyoyta surf 1 x toyota supra mk3 turbo auto


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mkiiisupraowner View Post
                  why tell them????
                  ...cos otherwise your insurance is invalid?

