i may be ignorant. or stoopid. but cant we all just drive across the forecourt and block it off. everywhere. we get bullied and dicked about with moneys. and taxes etc. and when we work more overtime to help us.it just helps Mr taxman. so we get no playtime cos we are all scared to use our precious fuel for socialising. anybody seen MadMax films. ? look familiar? its a joke. ... but hey. dont listen to me im a scottish tight fist.....hehe
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price increases
My local garage is 99.99/L at the moment - robbing barstewards!
I have 240L of WVO ready to be filtered and a homebrew heat exchanger sitting in the shed ready to be fitted. I just need a changeover valve for the fuel tanks and I'll be ready to go with 100% WVO.
I have found that the London cafes and takeaways have a harder job of getting rid of their oil than ones in the sticks. I have an arrangement with a cafe near where I work which means that, when I get sorted out, I can drive in for night shifts on free fuel and only pay the congestion charge.It's only a hobby!