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UK kinky p0rn ban commences Jan 26th - PROTEST on 25th!

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  • UK kinky p0rn ban commences Jan 26th - PROTEST on 25th!

    I'm posting this that I found on another forum (vegetableoildiesel.co.uk - which rather begs the question of what exactly some members do with their WVO ) for two reasons:

    One: There do seem to be enough laws for those who are dabbling in truly criminal stuff and this just seems like another unnecessary Big Brother measure to cost the taxpayers money and criminalise harmless people

    Two: Its almost worth travelling in to London to watch as its surely going to be the most comedy protest rally ever

    "What do we want?"
    "MMmmmmMMMmmm" (chants through full on gimp mask)

    "When do we want it?"
    "Whenever you tell us we want it mistress"

    See below

    UK kinky p0rn ban commences Jan 26th - PROTEST on 25th!

    Off topic I'm afraid but since this site is populated by 99+% men with internet connections I think it's likely to interest at least some of you...

    CAAN ACTION NOTICE: Demonstration 25th Jan, London



    Join us to mark the death of another freedom.

    At 2-5pm

    On Sunday 25th January 2009

    Parliament Square

    Westminster, London.

    Beware the kinky p0rn ban!

    On the eve of the kinky p0rn ban commencing, CAAN are back in London for another awareness raising action about laws which criminalise adults because of their sexuality. A law we don't think the Government is publicising widely enough, which all adults who possess or access p0rnography need to know about.

    This law is based on lack of evidence and lies!

    Provisions 63-68 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 come into effect on 26th January 2009. Despite lack of evidence, the government claims criminalising of the possession of what it calls 'extreme p0rnography' will reduce sex crime. In fact, what evidence exists provides grounds for thinking this measure will have exactly the opposite effect to that intended - making sex crime MORE prevalent.

    This law creates harmless criminals!

    This law now gives the police the power to invade anyone's home and interfere with their privacy. Convictions for possessing extreme p0rn will carry up to 3 years jail sentence and inclusion on the Sex Offender Register. Just for possessing an image.

    This law gives murderers and abusers excuses!

    Abuse is illegal, holding images of crimes is illegal and material which promotes abuse is illegal, and quite rightly so – so where's the need for a new law? This law is aimed at consensually made adult fantasy images and based on the bad excuses of a murderer. "The pictures made me do it".

    What do we want? Autonomy! When do we want it? Now!

    Please join us. Feel free to bring placards and banners and dress as you please, as long as it's not obscene or involving nudity. Yes, you can bring masks, chains and cuffs. Do not bring: alcohol, non prescription drugs or weapons.

    If you can attend the action, or are able to assist with things behind the scenes like transporting equipment, people, or donating resources during the time surrounding the action, please get in touch with us ASAP at info@caan.org.uk

    CAAN's Statement:

    "We believe in the right of consenting adults to make their own sexual choices, in respect of what they do, see and enjoy alone or with other consenting adults, unhindered and unfettered by government."

    "We believe that it is not the business of government to intrude into the sex lives of consenting adults."

    If you'd like to support this simple notion, please Sign Up http://www.caan.org.uk/sign.php


    Consenting Adult Action Network http://www.caan.org.uk


    The p0rn ban commences 26th January. http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2008/uksi_20082993_en_1 this is the commencement notice.

    CJIA clauses which criminalise extreme p0rnography: http://www.uk-legislation.hmso.gov.u...004_en_9#pt5-p...

    Government guidance: </b>ographic-images.pdf]http://www.justice.gov.uk/docs/extreme-<b>[Censored]</b>ographic-...

    Backlash - legal advice upon arrest: http://www.backlash-uk.org.uk/rights.html

    Guide to cleaning your computer: http://www.caan.org.uk/issues/advice.html

    P0rn ban - Get Ready, Get Angry: http://www.caan.org.uk/campaigns/<b>[Censored]</b>ban.html

    Some of those links won't work as this site has censored them. Just replace <b>[Censored]</b> with the naughty P word...

  • #2
    Well, what they're banning is described as:

    (7) An image falls within this subsection if it portrays, in an explicit and realistic way, any of the following—
    (a) an act which threatens a person’s life,
    (b) an act which results, or is likely to result, in serious injury to a person’s anus, breasts or genitals,
    (c) an act which involves sexual interference with a human corpse, or
    (d) a person performing an act of intercourse or oral sex with an animal (whether dead or alive),
    and a reasonable person looking at the image would think that any such person or animal was real.

    If you like that sort of stuff, seek medical attention immediately.


    • #3
      Eeeeew fair enough, still think it'll be a funny protest march though.

      Note to self...must research posts more...

      However I'm sure GWHs pic of him and a sheep is quite dodgy. Looks like a real sheep to me

      Not sure I'm reasonable though


      • #4
        but it'll still be ok to see images of war and famine around the world on the news 24/7.

        to me, priorities are truly f**ked up where peoples ideas of whats obscene and what's ok are concerned.
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #5
          Originally posted by biosurf View Post
          Eeeeew fair enough, still think it'll be a funny protest march though.

          Note to self...must research posts more...

          However I'm sure GWHs pic of him and a sheep is quite dodgy. Looks like a real sheep to me

          Not sure I'm reasonable though
          do you have ANY idea how long it took flossie to accept lipstick !!

          never mind the lingerie...........its such a ..........drag !!
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            Originally posted by logey79 View Post
            but it'll still be ok to see images of war and famine around the world on the news 24/7.

            to me, priorities are truly f**ked up where peoples ideas of whats obscene and what's ok are concerned.
            I absolutely agree!

            Access to such imagery should be controlled, or not easy - ie. i dont want my kids seeing it - but it is erosion of another freedom. What next? Bums and boobs? 3 years in prison for looking at someones boobs? After all, couldn't that incite rape? (probably - in the mind of a government employee of the spiky haired, birkenstock wearing fraternity)

            Same kind of thought process used by the people who want to ban the weird stuff after all.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              Thing seems to be that there's already a raft of laws covering this sort of stuff, from obscenity to genuine suspicion of gbh/abuse. There's an article here bout it - the argument against it being it is excessively vague and creates situations which can be legal to engage in (stage a scene with lots of fake blood etc) but illegal to take pictures of it. Max Mosley take note!


              • #8
                I'd need to view some of it so i can from an opinion
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss

