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(Yet Another) Question About Towbars

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  • (Yet Another) Question About Towbars

    My towbar's fitted and my electrics are sorted and I've also got a drop platefor when I want to tow the 'van.... so that gets the obvious out of the way. However, I feel that the towball is very close to the truck itself, especially since I have a tailgate spare. So, my question is, does anyone have a towbar that extends out from the truck (like I've seen on various Fronteras, Jeeps and alike)?

  • #2
    you can buy them, pwobably the easiest place to get one is you local landwovew dealew, though to be honest i've nevew had any pwoblems actually towing ow manouvewing. Whewe it sometimes causes difficulty is hitching and unhitching.

    P.S. sowwy bout the lisp i got a button doesn't wok on this keyboad
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      I have a standard towequipe/ towtrust bar fitted with a 1" spacer from Hal£rauds. It clears my caravan OK & I can couple the van up fine.
      Bring me the head of a treehugger

