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Redex and svo

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  • Redex and svo

    Can someone tell me if it is ok to put redex in with svo im currently running on a 50/50 mix svo, Diesel ? are there any advantages to doing this?
    Also I have seen on this forum that some of you have fuel heaters which are part of the factory fitted fuel filter, mine does'nt have this could one be fitted if I could get hold of one to fit a 2.4 ssrg on 1991 plate? And would it make a difference for running on svo?

  • #2
    Yes, yes and yes
    Good to run a whole bottle of redex in half a tank every month or two and drive it like you stole it for a bit if using SVO. WHen you put a new fuel filter in (which you should do after a month or so if you have just started using SVO recently) fill that with redex before you fit i for a really good clean.

    You can get heated filters for Surfs (stnadard on those with a winter pack) or could probably get one out of a Peugeot and use that. Personally I'm fitting a heat exchanger after my unheated fuel filter as I would prefer to catch any fatty lumps in the easily changable fuel filter rather than thin them to get through the filter then have them re solidify at the cold injectors (but I may be being overly cautious)

    A heat exchanger (HE) is a good idea. I have a biotuning one that is being fitted by a mechanic next week (if his work is good I'll stick his details on here as I know others are interested in getting them fitted) There are arguments for and against using HE's that use glow plugs as well as coolant to heat the oil before the engine is up to temp. However form what I have read these are a bit pointless as unless ou heat the fuel tank and lag/heat the fuel lines etc. the fuel will be cold an gelling long before it hits the HE, even if it makes it then the engine block and injectors will be cold when it reaches them. Basically as much as you can, take the time to let the engine warm up before driving and take it easy (dont floor it) until the engine is up to temp and running well.

    It is also a good idea and safe to add 10% unleaded petrol to SVO or WVO in the winter, this thins down the oil and helps prevent gelling at low temperatures.

    Lots of info at vegetableoildiesel.co.uk

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Originally posted by biosurf View Post
      Yes, yes and yes
      Good to run a whole bottle of redex in half a tank every month or two and drive it like you stole it for a bit if using SVO. WHen you put a new fuel filter in (which you should do after a month or so if you have just started using SVO recently) fill that with redex before you fit i for a really good clean.

      You can get heated filters for Surfs (stnadard on those with a winter pack) or could probably get one out of a Peugeot and use that. Personally I'm fitting a heat exchanger after my unheated fuel filter as I would prefer to catch any fatty lumps in the easily changable fuel filter rather than thin them to get through the filter then have them re solidify at the cold injectors (but I may be being overly cautious)

      A heat exchanger (HE) is a good idea. I have a biotuning one that is being fitted by a mechanic next week (if his work is good I'll stick his details on here as I know others are interested in getting them fitted) There are arguments for and against using HE's that use glow plugs as well as coolant to heat the oil before the engine is up to temp. However form what I have read these are a bit pointless as unless ou heat the fuel tank and lag/heat the fuel lines etc. the fuel will be cold an gelling long before it hits the HE, even if it makes it then the engine block and injectors will be cold when it reaches them. Basically as much as you can, take the time to let the engine warm up before driving and take it easy (dont floor it) until the engine is up to temp and running well.

      It is also a good idea and safe to add 10% unleaded petrol to SVO or WVO in the winter, this thins down the oil and helps prevent gelling at low temperatures.

      Lots of info at vegetableoildiesel.co.uk

      Hope this helps
      many thanks puts my mind to ease


      • #4
        Originally posted by batesy boy View Post
        many thanks puts my mind to ease
        Also what is a biotuning?


        • #5
          Company that makes heat exchangers. Have a google.


          • #6
            svo redex

            Excuse my ignorance when you say a add a bottle of redex do you me the one shot or the 8 shot bottle


            • #7
              Tip the whole bottle in your fuel filter. Get a heat exchanger from Saverbee on ebay. A couple of us have fitted these and they work well. Fit one of those mini in line filters after the HE .


              • #8
                the big bottle
                =SOLD UP!=


                • #9
                  super lovely, smashing, great !!
                  wiil go out and add rest of bottle when it stops snowing

