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news in: Sunday is no indicators day!

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  • news in: Sunday is no indicators day!

    It seems that nobody had bothered to inform me that Sundays are a "no indicators day" and ive spent the whole day using them looking a fool!

    ive drove from yorkshire to london, and I never even knew that today you arn't supposed to use indicators, turning signals or any other type of indication that you are making a turn, changing lane, overtaking or leaving the motorway.

    im quite upset, that everyone else knew about this but me.

    could someone clarify if that this no indicator day goes hand in hand with "no-one to use the first lane day" ?
    it seems that the first lane of the motorway is completely out of bounds to everyone. sometimes including lorries and coaches (mainly foreign ones). this was apparent to me when i found lane 2 and 3 full with vehicles. lane 2 sometimes only travelling at 60mph, and lane 3 also just as full as lane 2 with vehicles trying ot over take lane 2.

    i did doubt my suspicions a little, but this thought was shattered when the overtaking cars in lane 3 only moved back to lane 2 but no further, and - completely without indication to myself or anyone else around them.

    my personal opinion is that if lane 1 and 2 were used like 2 and 3 respectively, then it would allow easier and safer overtaking?
    but who am i to to be listened to?
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2

    Taint just Sundays mate - I drove down to Wellingborough the other week an was horrified how people drive on the M6. Glad I don't have too. Oh an Audis just don't come with indicators.
    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


    • #3
      you tool !!!!

      everyone knows the first sunday in the new year traffic regulations are ignored,
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        Wakey wakey Tony. As Bibs said its not just Sundays its most every day, the one exception being wrong indicator day, which is less frequent but can be equally annoying.

        Last edited by Bogus; 4 January 2009, 20:00. Reason: my keyboard missed the odd letter
        Сви можемо


        • #5
          this is why we spotlights on our roofs,i find 4 spotlight encourages the use of indicators


          • #6
            hmm spotlights
            is that the answer?

            no indicators really annoy me when you wait for them, but if they had signalled then you wouldnt have had to be so cautios.
            e.g. a roundabout when you are waiting to pull out. if they had signalled, then you could be ready to start off, but instead you miss your chance and because there is someone behind them you have to wait longer!

            im glad i only drive at weekends. but public transport is rediculous sometimes.

            thats my moan over
            hope you all had a good new year! dave i did try to txt you back. not sure if i managed to or not. was too drunk and touch screens are hard enough to work out in the first place
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #7
              yep its the answer,if that doesnt work i flash the 100w headlights,if still no go i shout thru my pa system,never failed yet lol


              • #8
                why would you shout at them
                "never failed yet!" and then laugh ?
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                  why would you shout at them
                  "never failed yet!" and then laugh ?
                  lolol funnily enough no tends to be more "get out the effing way "


                  • #10
                    both are funny
                    are you friendly with they mayor by any chance?
                    another perk is that you could order macdonalds as you leave your house
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #11
                      my airhorn seems to get their attention normally....
                      One day at the time I guess..

