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tv problems...in cornwall?

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  • #31
    Hmm better not tell you im an electrician,trouble is i never do any tv work so my knowlege is basic, i have used (this is all new)ct100 double screened cable, wide band arial,and an amp in the loft feeding 2tvs, the normal analog is fine,and if the mast was to get blown down in my direction one night i would wake up with a headache!-pehaps im to close?

    i think i will have to see on monday who we use to connect the tvs in the houses we wire(i dont normally get those demeanual jobs)and get him up here check it all out.

    The arial is mounted in the loft but the house is 20yr old,i thought that would be ok as thats where its always been,its only the new houses with foilbacked insulation that have a problem,no?


    • #32
      Originally posted by Robmatthews View Post
      Hmm better not tell you im an electrician,trouble is i never do any tv work so my knowlege is basic, i have used (this is all new)ct100 double screened cable, wide band arial,and an amp in the loft feeding 2tvs, the normal analog is fine,and if the mast was to get blown down in my direction one night i would wake up with a headache!-pehaps im to close?

      i think i will have to see on monday who we use to connect the tvs in the houses we wire(i dont normally get those demeanual jobs)and get him up here check it all out.

      The arial is mounted in the loft but the house is 20yr old,i thought that would be ok as thats where its always been,its only the new houses with foilbacked insulation that have a problem,no?

      There will be half the problem the foil acts as a screen so the aerial needs to go outside.. Loft aerials are not the best solution period and also the higher up you get it the better. Ive been in situations where i have been walking around a roof with a 20ft mast to get a decent signal from a poor location... I ve also had a situation where i could get decent signals on 2 channels and 2 poor channels in one location. Move the aerial to the other end of the house i get the reverse...its not easy some times but unfortunatly there are a lot of cowboys out there who do not know the field very well...If iam not happy with a signal when i walk away ill keep on it till i do.
      Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


      • #33
        our house has NOT got the foil backed insulation just good old fibreglass.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Robmatthews View Post
          our house has NOT got the foil backed insulation just good old fibreglass.
          It'll balls the signal up regardless, being in a loft.

