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big price from toyota

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  • big price from toyota

    i just odered a new rad for the surf
    had the reconed ones
    had the seconnd hand ones
    had 2 types of cheaper rads
    all blown and this is over 5 years
    new i thought was time to try a new gen rad from toyota

    i get discout from them too they are very good with me and the list of part i need are all way there when i need then

    mark at toyota who is a very nice guy with loads of brians about cars
    just told me the price

    i dare not say this

    £375 quid for a new rad including VAT
    iam left with no option but to try it coz i have tryed all the others options

    i have been stung a few time with the price of a gen parts but i think this has got to be the worst yet

    it better have a long garantee with it for that price
    coz i blow rads like i blow my nose

    so be warned toyota make good parts but charge the earth for them too
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2

    that is a bit.........

    well hope it works for u.....
    One day at the time I guess..


    • #3
      I thought you were supposed to be a Yorkshireman, George. I wish I had that kind of money to chuck at a radiator that I had every intention of destroying.


      • #4
        I never understand the 'intention of destroying' bit.

        So many people on here claim to be on their uppers, yet like nothing more than smashing up their transport. You gotta wonder...
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          £375 for rad.For a 14yr old truck worth what a grand max.
          Your daft no other thing to say.


          • #6
            I dont get it.
            Why do you keep blowing rads?
            There must be another underlying problem, or have I missed a thread somewhere along the line.

            I did the same thing to 3 rads in a BMW, problem was not radiator or my bleeding technique, it was a crack in the head.
            私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


            • #7
              Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
              was not radiator or my bleeding technique
              Maybe it was your bleeding driving style?
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #8

                Im suprised Yoshies not replied to this yet.
                He bought the BMW and subsequently found the problem
                私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                • #9
                  Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                  Why do you keep blowing rads?
                  There must be another underlying problem, or have I missed a thread somewhere along the line.
                  I'd agree with that deduction, unless, of course, Jud means bashing instead of blowing.


                  • #10
                    I think he just means bashing.....

                    I like to keep mine in one piece...

                    well after the re-build that is gonna separate her first.....
                    One day at the time I guess..


                    • #11
                      dudes i like driving
                      my car is worth more than a grand (not to you or i)
                      i know but you would not beleave what i get offered for my surf (long story)

                      and i am a full blooded yorkshire man
                      its just all my life i have collected lots of valueble things

                      now iam ill i am willing to sell them a bit at a time (coz i love my collection)
                      to pay to have funn coz i need that right now in my life
                      and i have worked since i was 8 years old so its time now to have some funn
                      i hate money to a deegree i like to have a bit to live on but not too much to start giving ya head haik
                      coz too much money burns ya head out
                      i have a very rich farther (who i dont ask for nothing from)
                      and i see how its killing him now to have all that he has got
                      its too much for him now my brother is a gob shite and runns his life and finances and doing a very good job of fluffing it all up
                      i never get involed coz he never likes what i have to say
                      and has you all know my temper can get the best of me so i stay clear unless my farther asked me to do something

                      my life learnt me its too sort to keep hold of money and goods of value
                      coz i have no kids just a wife (who works) and house to keep

                      its my driving style with out question that keeps killing my surf
                      i do it coz i can drive that way have done since i was 10 years old
                      and enjoy it more now than i ever did excpt i did do it in a jcb
                      i do have every intention of destroying my car but its at my own cost
                      i get skint like any one else i just sell something i know other collectors that would kill for some of my collection

                      dont worry my farther thinks i am a nut job too
                      but he know what i do in my surf
                      you lot only know the half of it
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • #12
                        What do you collect?
                        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                        • #13
                          ww2 stuff (for my own intrest)
                          coins and note from all over the world
                          my fave are uk coins from any date in gold silver or bronze all tho i wont say no to much coin or note wise (its my longest collection to date)
                          i also collect local history stuff (for my own intrest)
                          pottery depending on were its from (yorkshire mainly)
                          old bottles from all over the uk any thing pre 60's (all tho not had no new ones for a few years now)
                          records any size 12'' or 7'' any date

                          i did start collecting cars but the wife put a stop to it
                          my love for cars in deep routed i only like old ones
                          so i started off with what look more like a scrap yard
                          so i cant blaim her can ya
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #14
                            What type of bottles?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MattF View Post
                              What type of bottles?
                              clay pot
                              ya know you oldies must remember the nip neck with the glass marble stopper
                              that type of thing
                              all tho i do have a few rare things like 1930's ovelteen glass bottle
                              and a few 17th centery french perfume bottles too
                              depends on value and were its from
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

