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Carol singers...wtf??

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  • Carol singers...wtf??

    Now i know i'm a country boy at heart, but is anyone else already had carol singers round??

    I grew up on a farm out in the sticks, so we never had trick or treaters, carol singers, or even the lovley jehovah's witnessess.

    I moved to my own house in an estate 3 years ago, and we've kinda got used to the trick or treat business, and i'm on first name terms with the jehovahs (don't ask!!).

    But i had some carol singers last night, and just opened the door to some more now.

    Am i the only one?
    Are carol singers always about 12-15 years old?
    Aren't they supposed to be able to sing??

    Or I am the victim of the local chavs trying to make some money during the credit crunch?

    I don't mind trick or treat to much, cos i can scare the shit out of them by answering the door naked and the fact its 1 night a year. But i'm not happy if this is gonna go on until christmas!!

    Anyone any tactics on how to rid myself of these cretins? so far i've just been saying "you're a bit early aren't you?"


    Just trying to raise my postcount!

  • #2
    It's less then two weeks to go so it's not exactly early!!

    Dont be so miserable!

    Merry Christmas!


    • #3
      Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
      It's less then two weeks to go so it's not exactly early!!

      Dont be so miserable!

      Merry Christmas!


      • #4
        Where did you find so many swingers called Carol .........oh singers
        ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


        • #5
          Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
          It's less then two weeks to go so it's not exactly early!!

          Christmas doesn't start until 24th December !!!!!

          Ebeneezer Scrooge was just misunderstood ....

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6
            Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

            Christmas doesn't start until 24th December !!!!!

            Ebeneezer Scrooge was just misunderstood ....

            Why so miserable about christmas mate?!

            Fair enough if the religion isn't your thing and you hate parts of it! I can understand an after being in southampton today doing some shopping i can sympathise!!

            But still, its one of the only times of year where not much else truly matters. Your around your family an everyone seems to make time for each other.

            I frigging love it! An after being in a toy stop today i cant wait till ive got kids! I can buy them the cr*p im too old to have


            • #7

              But they start ramming it down your throat in bleeding September !!!!

              There's about 20 birthdays in our families between September and Christmas ....

              I'm not really that miserable !

              Was in Southampton shopping with the kids last Saturday and had a good time - apart from the meatball sub that was near enough frigging cold !

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

                But they start ramming it down your throat in bleeding September !!!!

                There's about 20 birthdays in our families between September and Christmas ....

                I'm not really that miserable !

                Was in Southampton shopping with the kids last Saturday and had a good time - apart from the meatball sub that was near enough frigging cold !

                i had a feeling you weren't a legit miserable sod! Your posts are to lively to be a proper scrooge!!

                ahh meatball subs! Im worried im going to end up on first name terms with the staff at Romsey!!

                An to be honest, Yeah Chrimbo in september is a bit much! My local pub was half decorated in november!!


                • #9
                  i find a bucket of pi$$ out the bedroom window gets results

                  Bah Humbug
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                    An after being in a toy stop today i cant wait till ive got kids! I can buy them the cr*p im too old to have
                    Rod, If you want those toys , dont wait, buy them now, Remember Youre never too old to have a happy childhood, and although you are only young once, you can be immature forever.

                    Сви можемо


                    • #11
                      Easy mate, just tell them you're Jewish, or Hindu, or any other religion that doesn't celebrate Christmas.
                      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                      • #12
                        I WORSHIP SATAN AND I LIKE TO EAT CHILDREN!!

                        That kind of thing?

                        tbh they're a bit shocked when my 2 great danes jump up at the bay window and look down on the kids while barking their heads off.

                        don't get me wrong i love christmas, and will be going to church for midnight mass as usual. plus i love being around family and freinds. Just don't like the Americanised way of it being an excuse for people to make money.

                        Just trying to raise my postcount!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by B16mts View Post
                          I WORSHIP SATAN AND I LIKE TO EAT CHILDREN!!

                          That kind of thing?

                          tbh they're a bit shocked when my 2 great danes jump up at the bay window and look down on the kids while barking their heads off.

                          don't get me wrong i love christmas, and will be going to church for midnight mass as usual. plus i love being around family and freinds. Just don't like the Americanised way of it being an excuse for people to make money.

                          To be honest mate, Its Christmas! If there kids an they make a few quid singing then so what! If it makes them happy thats all that really matters aint it?!

                          Fair enough if you were talkin big bucks but they probably go home with a tenner in there pockets for the january sales!

                          Now im going to do what bogus said an go buy some toys!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                            Remember Youre never too old to have a happy childhood, and although you are only young once, you can be immature forever.


                            Spot on - my uncle got chucked out of Asda last year for riding on the shopping trolleys - he was 84 at the time .......

                            He's not in his second childhood either - he hasn't finished his first yet!

                            Life is too important to take seriously !


                            • #15
                              i find that telling them they have 5 seconds to get back out your or they will be launched through it works a treat, even works on bible bashing ####s.
                              SWIFT AND BOLD

