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Another pointless rant

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  • Another pointless rant

    Pointless, because people will never change.

    Yesterday lunchtime, I went for fuel at BP on Malvern Link main street. There are temporary traffic lights about 1/4 mile down from the BP. I fuelled up and went towards the exit, traffic starting to build on the left for the lights. No worries, I'm turning right to go back to work. Just as I'm about to leave, some muppet blocks the exit from the petrol station by joining the end of the queue. No-one has come up behind him so I toot and gesture for him to move back a bit as I'm turning right. He gestures back a sort of 'what have I done gesture' and looks away. In the meantime, someone arrives behind him, and gives him no room to move back... Well done you pair of ######s, you've saved, oh, 4 yards travelling time, and cost me 5 minutes of my life through your selfishness...

    This morning, I wait for a couple of minutes for traffic passing parked cars (coming towards me) and when its cleared (can still see cars down the road waiting to pass said cars) I move off. ten yards later, someone passes the cars who are waiting and drives at me. Brave for a 106, I'm in the truck. As she gets to me (yes, sorry, she) she glares at me and winds her window down. I have to mount the kerb to let her through. SHE says to ME "Have a bit of patience!!" so I said 'its my right of way, didn't you notice the cars waiting?', So then she tells me I've hit her door mirror (she's the one who's moving!!!) so I called her a silly so and so and drove past her.

    I know this sort of thing is seasonal. poor woman, taking her kids to school, only leaves her 7 hours in Marks & Spencers before she has to go back for them again! How tough is that life?

    Tomorrow I'm gonna walk to work. I'm sick of the morons!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    What is required here is an act of non agressive violence.

    Simply climb out of your truck and pull the cover off your rear mounted grenade launcher.

    I'm not suggesting firing it but give them a look like you intend to.

    Personnally speaking having a rear mounted grenade launcher or any weapon of a large calibre seems to cut right to the chase in instances of road going f.ckwittage.

    Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


    • #3
      I once had a woman stop her car and get out and shout at me on my bike because she thought I was going to pull out in front of her. I wasn't and I didn't but she kind of got pre-emptive rage.

      I suspect she'd probably tuned out for a second, then suddenly seen a bike out of the corner of her eye and got a fright.

      Anyway, I can appreciate your first rant. That happens to me all the time. the only defence (which became apparent when I changed from the surf to the mg) is that you can see bugger all from a normal car.

      As for the woman driving at you, no idea.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sancho View Post
        you can see bugger all from a normal car.

        As for the woman driving at you, no idea.
        Cant be that hard to see that you're blocking a junction / exit, even from an MG!

        As the the PMS suffering woman, I think it was more a case of 'I'm going somewhere - how dare they get in my way!'
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Stuff 'em all Andy and just drive over them!

          I used to get so wound up by it all, now I just let them get on with it, but sometimes do have a bit of a wave and a shout when the advanced muppets are out and about....for example, a little old lady pulled out of a cross roads into oncoming traffic, across one lane and into the one I was doing 50 mph in - the guy in front of me, in a VW van 4 door pickupy thing, had to cross solid white lines to avoid driving through her, I managed to stop (somehow) and bearing in mind, the VW and I were doing 60, then slowed to 50 for the cross roads (our lane in straight through, crossing two junctions) and she pulled out, and was doing 15 mph!

          Then, she managed to climb to the dizzy heights of 25 mph, but slowed to 15 each time anything bigger than a mini went past, and moved so far to the left, I kept waiting for her to roll over on the bank, then, when there was no traffic, she was almost driving down the white line....

          When I got next to her, she was a tiny old lady, looking under her glasses.....the police now have all the details - sorry, but she is too dangerous to be allowed to get away with nearly taking out 3 cars plus hers!
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #6
            I find the price I pay for sticking to the speed limits is that other drivers get really close up behind, willing me to go faster.... I sometimes wonder if they would be so keen if they knew that I’m often carrying (legally held) firearms/shotguns in the boot
            Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


            • #7
              Originally posted by PDR View Post
              I find the price I pay for sticking to the speed limits is that other drivers get really close up behind, willing me to go faster.... I sometimes wonder if they would be so keen if they knew that I’m often carrying (legally held) firearms/shotguns in the boot

              Display them on a rack in the rear window.


              • #8
                Originally posted by PDR View Post
                I find the price I pay for sticking to the speed limits is that other drivers get really close up behind, willing me to go faster....
                Which is when, personally, one always decides to become an absolute tootler and go really slow.

                Andy, use the van driving method. Why do you think van drivers block junctions and such to make sure they get out? It's not because they're ignorant, as a rule. Rather the opposite. They just see too much of it from arsey drivers too often. Commercial drivers, in my opinion, are far more courteous on the roads, as a rule, than domestic drivers.

                If someone is going to do a tw@tty trick, when it's your right of way, (as with the woman), make them suffer. I'd be damned if I would have moved over. Make them damage their vehicle. They will move when a larger vehicle is obviously not going to digress to their ignorance and is about to bear down upon them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MattF View Post
                  Which is when, personally, one always decides to become an absolute tootler and go really slow.
                  Do what my gran used to do, just flick your headlights (and, occasionally, rear fogs) on for a second to make them think you're braking. Always shits them right up


                  • #10
                    "I find the price I pay for sticking to the speed limits is that other drivers get really close up behind, willing me to go faster.... I sometimes wonder if they would be so keen if they knew that I’m often carrying (legally held) firearms/shotguns in the boot"

                    I think that too sometimes PDR when on my way to a shoot,

                    funniest story i read about tailgating recently - on here or difflock, i cannt remember...

                    The victim was on a singletrack road and some arse in an X5 was tailgating him, so he stopped - blocking the road, wandered round back and opened the boot - then said to the tail-gater who was glaring at him "there ive opened my boot - you can see now theres nothing interesting in it!"
                    Landcruiser Colorado
                    Sub. Forester


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                      Do what my gran used to do, just flick your headlights (and, occasionally, rear fogs) on for a second to make them think you're braking. Always shits them right up

                      When ever anyone used to tailgate me in my Mini Cooper (The proper one) I would yank on the handbrake while at the same time changing down to second and zooming off as soon as the driver of the car/van behind was just about headbutting the steering wheel. They always drop back far behind afterwards.

                      p.s. Timing is critical.


                      • #12

                        I hate to say this guys but it is an OFFENCE to deliberately cause another vehicle to slow down or brake without good reason i.e. Brake testing, giving way to other traffic without good cause etc

                        That aside I sometimes drop a cog in the Focus so that tailgaters suddenly get extremely close - that way they get no warning and learn what adrenaline smells like !

                        As Vince has said - timing is CRITICAL ....

                        Life is too important to take seriously !


                        • #13
                          I Tend to Block the whole road off so no-one can get past and then get out and exchange a few heated words, i know i shouldnt but it boils my blood a lot o the time. they tend to think they are invincible in there cars, giving u the fingers and all sorts. My day will prob come when i come off second best but untill then al still keep letting folk know when they are actually in the wrong and peeing me off.


                          • #14
                            i do the old slowing down thing,will have to remember to stop next time and open the boot and ask them if there is anything else they would like to see lol.


                            • #15
                              beleave it or not
                              iam a very polite driver
                              but this ont time a year or so ago
                              there was a old man trying to turn into his drive
                              i cheacked my rear view nothing there so i slowed to a stop and let the guy pass
                              i set off looking in my rear view i saw a white ldv van skid side ways going way over the speed limit
                              bounced over a flower bed about 2 foot high and hit aq drive wall full on

                              i looked repeatedly to see no one was hurt every thing seemed fine
                              on my way back from droping the wifes dad off
                              got to that steatch of road
                              it was lined with every energencey servise there so i pulled over
                              and went and told a police man what i saw
                              he told me there was an old woman on a moterised scooter hit head on by the van
                              the driver said he was doing 40mph over the speed limit (the ######)

                              i have not seen the woman since and i dont want to ask her son who i know well
                              just in case i put my foot in it

                              its ok being a safe drive and driveing with care
                              but its the other road uses that ya got to watch out for
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

