I am an athiest,i dont believe in god,therefor i dont believe in christ and anything asociated with it,inc christmas.Now a lot if not 99% of you will probably say im a missrible(sp)git you may be right,but that is the way i feel,i dont believe in celabrating something that i dont believe in!!!I have told my mum this and asked her to politly pass it around the family, and that i dont want anything for christmas including cards,i put it to her it would be like taking a fat pig to a muslim party-its not the done thing, Tonight i get the first batch and my blood is BOILING.
Im sorry but im not a believer in any faith or religion, i have tried to understand it but all i end up thinking is what a waste of time and how much restraint it puts on peoples lives ie for the hard core christians-church every sunday morning, and extra time at easter and christmas or muslims stopping 4 or 5 times a day to neal and prey to macca (my info is v limited on the muslim stuff). When i think about it life is so short on this world i dont wanna finish it thinking well what a load of ######## all that was how much time i wasted-which is how i see it.
Im a very white and black kinda guy and there is no middle ground with me.you are born, you live and enjoy it to how you wanna and then you die,there is no afterlife-if there is im f**ked and will cross that bridge when i get to it.
This is a big rant from me If you are religious and do have a faith,i do not intend to offend you,but im just fed up with it all in my face so much!
Can i also ask any believers (light heartedly) how do you know that god is really the good one?
Right i have my bullit proof vest on so fire away!
Im sorry but im not a believer in any faith or religion, i have tried to understand it but all i end up thinking is what a waste of time and how much restraint it puts on peoples lives ie for the hard core christians-church every sunday morning, and extra time at easter and christmas or muslims stopping 4 or 5 times a day to neal and prey to macca (my info is v limited on the muslim stuff). When i think about it life is so short on this world i dont wanna finish it thinking well what a load of ######## all that was how much time i wasted-which is how i see it.
Im a very white and black kinda guy and there is no middle ground with me.you are born, you live and enjoy it to how you wanna and then you die,there is no afterlife-if there is im f**ked and will cross that bridge when i get to it.
This is a big rant from me If you are religious and do have a faith,i do not intend to offend you,but im just fed up with it all in my face so much!
Can i also ask any believers (light heartedly) how do you know that god is really the good one?
Right i have my bullit proof vest on so fire away!