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rust proofing

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  • rust proofing

    Hi, I have yet to buy my first surf, still looking around, was wondering if these imports are as well rustproofed for Japanese market/ climate, as European made vehicles, and is rust an issue, especially in undercarriage/chassis parts? Would a waxoyl treatment be recommended, considering the age now of the MK11 versions i am going for?



  • #2
    most of these trucks come well wax oiled/undersealed but they can always do with extra coating once over here.
    The main areas that you may get a bit of rust is along the bottom of the doors but normally over all condition is normally very good


    • #3
      if your truck is only in this country a few years the chassis will be like new ,
      would be worth doing yourself if you plan to keep it for a few years
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        Originally posted by stormforce View Post
        most of these trucks come well wax oiled/undersealed but they can always do with extra coating once over here.
        The main areas that you may get a bit of rust is along the bottom of the doors but normally over all condition is normally very good
        didn't think they used salt on roads in japland
        both of mine was not undersealed rich
        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


        • #5
          my old 2.4 was done before being brought over and a couple of the breakers i had in i was told was already undersealed unless they were done on first import by the importer before going up for sale


          • #6
            joker is right,no salt over there,most get undersealed at import


            • #7
              Please don't use old engine oil, but if you do, don't spray it on and for gods sake don't tell me you've done it!!!
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #8
                Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                Please don't use old engine oil, but if you do, don't spray it on and for gods sake don't tell me you've done it!!!
                even if u go to waste land to do it,and then post pics?


                • #9
                  I was originaly in the market for a disco ( BOOOOOOOOOO HIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ) haha and when i went to view one in a garage it was poo, had loads of moisture an damp issues, an i seen the surf at the back, i got under it, in it, on it, the lot, i was shocked how well the under side looked, it was immaculate, even all the bushes and everythin where like new, so i quickly went an had a look at one or 2 more to see if this was just a one off, but found them all to be rather good, if not brilliant, so much so that i went back and bought that origanl one i seen...

                  i tried waxoylin it the other day ( hahaha it was a nightmare haha ) i used the black coat stuff, and the nozel jammed open , it went everywhere, all over my car, the road, my clothes, my hair haha EVERYWHERE it was like hot tar (i had it in a bucket of hot water so it was runny) it was a disaster


                  • #10
                    Had to get mine done myself when i picked it up as chassis had no protcetion on it at all.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Growler View Post
                      Had to get mine done myself when i picked it up as chassis had no protcetion on it at all.
                      Mine has nothing at all on it, should really think about doing something about it! Maybe Hammerite it rather than Waxoyl, or is Waxoyl better?
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #12
                        brilliant stuff, but SO SO messy, and fiddly


                        • #13
                          done my 2nd gen twice once with shultz [think its spelt like that] then waxoyled the next year,
                          not to bad to do used a compressor with gun ,wore a disposeable boiler suit ,
                          might be best to jetwash ,steam clean , before spraying ,
                          might do the 3rd gen in the summer
                          Only Toyota can get you out of shite

