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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bibs View Post
    eh? I have read that 3 times now an it still don't make sense. If peeps aint got no job after xmas why they gonna pull their weight till they go??? I would have thought they would go the other way.....

    Popeye said, "why do thay always tell you JUST BEFORE Xmas"
    then I said, as above.

    Maybe it sounded different in my head.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
      Probably to get more production out of you before the holidays. No-one would 'pull their weight' if they were told before Xmas, I wouldn't.

      That sucks Mitsy/Geoff, Wish I/we could help.
      Who do we beat up then?
      Aye! thats true, when 24 of us got the shove from the coach builders it was out of the blue (not takeing into account the rumors) and at the end of a production run of low floor busses for london, we had to collect our tools etc while supervised and out the door, prob thought we'd sugar the tanks or nick a bus petty minded ba$tards, (although i did plant some dead fish and eggs under the cleanroom floor when i was leaveing ibm maxtor, as a sort of parting gift)
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #18
        Originally posted by madcampbell View Post
        Sorry to hear your news Misty particularly at this time of year. Just a thought I work for a company that had the council pest control until they dropped the department and we would have had to go to a big expensive company!! The chap who came round to do our pest control decided to jump the gun and go and see all the councils customers and suggest that he would pick up the contract for the same price currently offered by setting his own company up. He did this and is still 5 years later running his own company. Would it be possible for a two pronged approach work on the council and in the back ground feather the nest for setting up your own company to provide the service at less than the big boys?

        Just a thought

        Geoff cant do that unfortunately as he only moved to the pest control department 8 to 10 weeks ago so he hasn't been put in for his pest control exam yet so has no qualification to go out on his own as you have to have a certificate to do so.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
          Geoff cant do that unfortunately as he only moved to the pest control department 8 to 10 weeks ago so he hasn't been put in for his pest control exam yet so has no qualification to go out on his own as you have to have a certificate to do so.
          Is there any way that in negotiating his redundancy he could get as part of the deal "re training" or the "qualification" paid for...but I suppose that depends if he has been with the council for longer than 10 weeks having transfered from another department.



          • #20
            Originally posted by madcampbell View Post
            Is there any way that in negotiating his redundancy he could get as part of the deal "re training" or the "qualification" paid for...but I suppose that depends if he has been with the council for longer than 10 weeks having transfered from another department.

            We have already asked that but was told that it cost the council nearly £900.00 pound to put them through this college course as he has to go twice a week so this isnt possible for a council that is 1 million over budget and trying to cut costs by redundancies.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
              We have already asked that but was told that it cost the council nearly £900.00 pound to put them through this college course as he has to go twice a week so this isnt possible for a council that is 1 million over budget and trying to cut costs by redundancies.
              It's great isn't it they throw money at long term unemployed but someone who is self motivated and wants to work they won't bother with!


              • #22
                Originally posted by madcampbell View Post
                It's great isn't it they throw money at long term unemployed but someone who is self motivated and wants to work they won't bother with!
                I know mate but they wont invest in geoff,s future if there not getting the benefit. Any way he know has untill feb next year so hopefully in between then we can change there mind.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
                  I know mate but they wont invest in geoff,s future if there not getting the benefit. Any way he know has untill feb next year so hopefully in between then we can change there mind.
                  tbh i think its a national thing,next door old lady who lives on her own(in 3 bed house???/) has mice all the time as he garden is v v v v overgrown,came round other day moaning cause our council are now charging 40 quid a visit ?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
                    Dont now weather to laugh or cry , geoff has just come in and said he,s being made redundant after xmas. Shit dont know what else to say.
                    Jeez only just seen this. That is real bad news at this time off year, especially on top of your truck problems. Real sorry to hear it and hope you manage to pull something out of the hat over the next few weeks


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Growler View Post
                      Jeez only just seen this. That is real bad news at this time off year, especially on top of your truck problems. Real sorry to hear it and hope you manage to pull something out of the hat over the next few weeks

                      With a bit of luck, her truck will be fit by Sunday afternoon.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                        With a bit of luck, her truck will be fit by Sunday afternoon.
                        If you want an extra pair of hands to hold the spanners let me know i ain't that far away


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                          With a bit of luck, her truck will be fit by Sunday afternoon.

                          Keep us informed old bean
                          ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                          • #28
                            Sorry to hear of ya troubles Gal, just make sure ya wrap up when ya go out in case it Snows !!!!
                            Good Luck

                            There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a warning !!!!
                            Buncefield Burner

