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1993 KZN 3.0 TD manual or automatic?

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  • 1993 KZN 3.0 TD manual or automatic?

    Hello all, I am new to this group, and hopefully purchasing my first Hilux Surf soon. I wanted to avoid the 2.4 and the 3.0's are just arriving in Western Canada now.

    I have two options, both 1993 Surf's, but one is an automatic and one is a manual and I'm having a hard time deciding between them. My inquiries tell me that mileage may actually be higher with the automatic (11km/L) but I would like to hear from some actual surf owners on this one...

    What are the pros and cons for the auto and manuals (1993 Hilux surf 3.0TD)?


    Confused Canadian

  • #2
    Hi n welcome Buddy.
    My first was a 1990 ssr 2.4 Td, Manual, (manuals are about but scarce)
    Money played the biggest part as I wanted a "Surf", Manual so 2.4 it was ...
    After 6 n half years & £600 repairs, service/maintenance n Mods for minor Offroad, Ok on Road but with more n more Offroad excursions the 2.4 seemed a tad under powered.. so time to move up to 3.0l .
    I'd say 3.0l Auto every time Now !!!!
    What i'd suggest is a trial in both if ya get the opportunity 2.4 n 3.0 Man/Auto
    1st Consider what you'd prefer (after road test).. With the money ya got ...
    2nd is what's available Man- Auto (could ya wait for what ya want ?)
    3rd Gotta be a 3.0l (9 months on, so far so gooood)
    Good Luck

    There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect any warning !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      Welcome to the nuthouse ........beware the squirrel

      alot of advice on this link....... http://www.showmesome.info/hilux/info/faq.htm
      ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


      • #4
        Hi and welcome

        lots of info on here and a few debates an manuals v autos
        When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


        • #5
          Welcome to the nuthouse

          I'm the squirrel the surf killing yeti warned you about W are easy to turn apart - he FARTS !

          Feel free to make yourself at home and join in the banter

          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6
            Auto, no question.

            Apart from the ease of driving off road, no need to burn out a clutch or select a wrong gear, on and off road hill starts are a doddle and they're so much more relaxing on road, no shifting through the box in traffic, it's all done for you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dodge View Post
              Auto, no question.

              Apart from the ease of driving off road, no need to burn out a clutch or select a wrong gear, on and off road hill starts are a doddle and they're so much more relaxing on road, no shifting through the box in traffic, it's all done for you.

              I’ll second that.... and of course you don’t buy a Surf for its fuel economy anyway.
              Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


              • #8
                Thanks for all the input, I am able to wait for what I want, I dont NEED to change vehicles but I really want a surf, as you can all understand. The thing is I really dont mind shifting, and most of my driving is 'motorway' (as you guys call the highway So even if I got a few extra MPG, it would be worth it for me... might even make the wife want to drive it less haha.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Can-surf View Post
                  ... might even make the wife want to drive it less haha.

                  Now that's a REALLY good reason for going manual !

                  When I first got our Surf Jackie was a bit wary - partly due to it's size and partly due to it being an auto. Things have changed somewhat since then - she refuses to drive our Focus Estate and I'm only allowed to drive the Surf if it needs filling up or if we're towing the caravan ..........

                  Life is too important to take seriously !

