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Good Injector Cleaner??

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  • Good Injector Cleaner??

    hi all,
    can any one suggest a good injector cleaner? i've tried redex (full bottle to quarter tank) but only made a slight bit of difference. surf's a 92 with 69k 2.4 and is puthering black smoke when i accelerate hard(ish) or when it has been stood in trafic for a few minuites. dont really want to go down the fitting new one's road just yet until i definatly know they need doing. it's only done about 500-600 miles since import, so i'm hopeing it's just canked up inside from alot of city traffic work whilst abroad.
    i've read about people filling the fuel filter with neat cleaner to give it a good balst through, any comments or ideas muchly thankyou'd.

    andy crofts.

    p.s pop quiz seems to be going down well!!

  • #2
    Give it a service of new filters this may help but diesals will puff some soot when under load
    Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


    • #3
      We use Millers Power Plus - found it makes a fair bit of difference when used regularly



      • #4
        Originally posted by Linda
        We use Millers Power Plus - found it makes a fair bit of difference when used regularly
        Where do you get it from Linda???

        If life's an uphill struggle then downhill from now on can't be that bad?!


        • #5
          Well - Draig got me a couple of bottles, then I picked a couple up from Southampton last time we went to see Pops... but you can mail order from http://www.frost.co.uk/item_Detail.asp?productID=8181 . There is a shop in Reading, or Newbury selling it - but I cant remember the name.




          • #6
            Originally posted by Linda
            Well - Draig got me a couple of bottles, then I picked a couple up from Southampton last time we went to see Pops... but you can mail order from http://www.frost.co.uk/item_Detail.asp?productID=8181 . There is a shop in Reading, or Newbury seeling it - but I cant remember the name.

            Thanks Top!
            If life's an uphill struggle then downhill from now on can't be that bad?!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Linda
              We use Millers Power Plus - found it makes a fair bit of difference when used regularly
              I will see if I can get some from my supplier . ( no Linda , no Nurofen this time )

              Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                I will see if I can get some from my supplier . ( no Linda , no Nurofen this time )

                Ahhh what a nice man... The Bullet will thank you very nicely...


