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Goodye from me

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  • Goodye from me

    Well, Eventually the Credit Crunch has reached me too. Good chance i am selling the Surf today, The way i see it is better to have a good christmas for the kids than to have a Surf on the Driveway. Well its goodbye for now and hopefully my next motor will be a 3L surf. Thanks to everyone for their help,knowledge,Banter and friendliness. Cheers Folks See ya all later, have a good christmas and new year and all the best for the future. Dead gutted im having to sell but Hey Ho, life goes on SEE YA

  • #2
    sorry to hear that Chris but you're right family comes first. Unless you sell the wheels and other bits, put standards back on then you''ve got some money and still got the surf. run it on veg and maybe that would all sort it?

    If you still decdie to sell, good luck with it but you don't have to have a surf to be here though so don't disappear completely

    all the best mate, hope you have a good christmas



    • #3
      Sorry to hear that Chris,Hope it all works out n hope it's only short term ....
      Good Luck

      ps. Hope ya can still hitch a ride for the "Run to the Snow" !!

      There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a warning !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        Good for you for thinking of your kids first mate!!

        Shame its gotta go. But there so cheap you'll have another in no time if you want one!


        • #5
          Well here goes, in a way im glad and in another im peeveed off. My buyer for my Surf (My ###### Brother) Has let me down, he came last night, we talked, then he came today and drove the surf and talked some more, Deal was done and dusted until an hour later when he let me down by text message. His excuse was he didnt want to buy a motor IN CASE it broke down. Now i have had my motor for 3 years or so and it has never let me down once. He was getting it at a really good price cos he was family. I called him, had a wee run in with him and told him if he wants a decent motor to stop buying old bangers at £200 and spend thousands from a garage with a warranty. All his previous motors have been A couple o hundred pounds worth and keep letting him down, god am not to cuffed with him. Plus side, al just need to keep the surf and work a shed load harder to pay for christmas and stuff. So u aint got rid o me yet


          • #6
            good news matey!
            Empty your loft garage or whatever and get everything you dont want on *bay make a few quid?


            • #7
              Sorry to hear about your ups and downs. Blood is thicker than water and all that, but perhaps avoid selling anything to your bro in the future, sounds like too much heartache.

              About Christmas - IMVHO you shouldn't push the boat out every year just to buy lots of consumer stuff for your kids and spend a fortune at Xmas. There is no reason that this one day should cost more than anyone can comfortably afford, so cut your coat according to your cloth, and remember the best gift you can give the kids is yourself, a happy home, and a memorable day. I am sure if you explain to them they won't get 40" xbox million dollar prezies this year, they'll understand in time. Best of luck!


              • #8
                Originally posted by joecuba View Post
                Sorry to hear about your ups and downs. Blood is thicker than water and all that, but perhaps avoid selling anything to your bro in the future, sounds like too much heartache.

                About Christmas - IMVHO you shouldn't push the boat out every year just to buy lots of consumer stuff for your kids and spend a fortune at Xmas. There is no reason that this one day should cost more than anyone can comfortably afford, so cut your coat according to your cloth, and remember the best gift you can give the kids is yourself, a happy home, and a memorable day. I am sure if you explain to them they won't get 40" xbox million dollar prezies this year, they'll understand in time. Best of luck!
                Wise words my friend.
                'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by joecuba View Post
                  Sorry to hear about your ups and downs. Blood is thicker than water and all that, but perhaps avoid selling anything to your bro in the future, sounds like too much heartache.

                  About Christmas - IMVHO you shouldn't push the boat out every year just to buy lots of consumer stuff for your kids and spend a fortune at Xmas. There is no reason that this one day should cost more than anyone can comfortably afford, so cut your coat according to your cloth, and remember the best gift you can give the kids is yourself, a happy home, and a memorable day. I am sure if you explain to them they won't get 40" xbox million dollar prezies this year, they'll understand in time. Best of luck!
                  Suppose the Kids will need to make do with their new bikes, sure they will be happy enough with them, Cheers for the support, Their a lot more folk out there worse of than me, People with ill health and all sorts,God i dont know what im moaning aBOUT


                  • #10
                    Nor do I so shut it,and get the new winch bumper sarted.


                    • #11
                      Hey sorry to hear your troubles. Hope things pick up soon. Christmas isnt all about expensive presents though - Spend the day together doin something fun, enjoy an cherish each other. You never know when it's goin to be taken away.
                      How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                        Nor do I so shut it,and get the new winch bumper sarted.
                        Aye great idea, reduce the christmas pressies and make a winch bumper LOL


                        • #13
                          Aye, FFS Chris, get a grip! There' always next year (apparently this Christmas malarky is an annual event)...
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            Aye, FFS Chris, get a grip! There' always next year (apparently this Christmas malarky is an annual event)...
                            Thanks for the reminder Andy, Al do the Bumper this year and give the kids presents next year. Spoke to Brian the other day, Hope all is good mate Tell Shirley i was asking for you both.


                            • #15
                              Hear hear!

                              Best thing about christmas is time together, a big dinner, the roof over your head, a log on the fire, and the knowledge that everyone is healthy!

                              Sod the presents, they really dont matter a jot in the great scheme of things.
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

