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Returning Surfer

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  • Returning Surfer

    I'm checking back in to rehab..

    Early this year I sold my bigfoot Surf, in an spontaneous moment of maturity and sensibleness. Bought a 7-seater Nissan Largo with the idea of getting something more suitable for a trip across France to visit my parents. As it turns out it was cheaper to fly there and hire a car. So I found myself loathing my nice bus and completely depressed that I had let my great big toy go, riding around had become become boring, the big grin was lost.

    Therapy was needed. So, it's gone.. And I've been shopping again.

    Hello, 1992 2.4TD SSRX, shiney black and lots of chrome bling, incl big rims.

    The smile is back. Just need to get round the idea of getting it dirty. It's currently in great condition but I miss the mud..

    Took a risk, got the 2.4, hope I wont be disappointed. So far it has been spot on, just needs some new tyres especially if its going offroad.

  • #2
    Hi Mate long time no hear did put a birthday greeting on here the other day for ya .... Offroading ...
    Take a look in the off road section "Norfolk" in December ...
    (was Surferjess)
    Welcome n Nice to see ya back .....

    There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a warning !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3


      • #4
        shame you got rid of your truck ,remember it well [dereham]
        pity you replaced it with a 2.4
        Only Toyota can get you out of shite

