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Need A Good Deal....

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  • Need A Good Deal....

    Hi All!
    i'm new to the site as you probably well know. discovered it whilst searching out info on surf's... have read lots of horror stories of various probs with the surf's please tell me there are more good ones than bad?!

    Anyway i still think they are the biz! had a isuzu a while back... yeah i know! have had to come down to earth for a few years in a ....god dare i say it, a corsa... oh the shame of it!!! But soon hope to have funds for a surf hopefully someting about 96sih onwards.

    Any thoughts on who to go to, or more to the point who not to go to, would be welcomed.

    Also has anyone got one from a port auction... and was it worth the hassle financially?

    cheers for now... skibum

  • #2
    Welcome to SURFDOM some of the guys in your kneck of the wood will give you some ideas.


    • #3
      A few of the guys have imported thier own, I am sure they will reply or you can do a search on here for the previous threads.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        Thanks guys, i'm already learning alot just from reading previous threads... pleanty of stuff to look out for it would seem.

        Have to say i'm well impressed with the site boys! oops sorry! and girls.

