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what a b*t*h

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  • what a b*t*h

    walked into my hallway this morn and wondered why it was raining from my light fitting.........
    Found the reason. a fecking split pipe in my recently decorated bathroom above
    floor has only been down for a month
    needles to say i was a tad pi$$ed off......

    turns out it was a tiny pin hole in the pipe, but looks like it had been leaking for a while though
    Attached Files

  • #2
    would it not have been easier to chop the ceiling out and repair the pipe from below as if the plaster is blown it will need doing anyway.

    still could be worse, you could have been on holiday at the time.
    If it can be broken it can be fixed


    • #3
      Been to a few of them in my time, ours went a while back, cistern connector, first thing i knew was water comeing out the smoke alarm which was makeing funny noises in the hall below, still aint repaired the cieling
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

