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My tyres won’t arrive until 21st January

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  • My tyres won’t arrive until 21st January

    Ahhhh, my tyres that I ordered 2 weeks ago won’t be here until the 21st of January. I was told they were meant to be here by today (15/11/08) so as you can imagine I was well exited but then got a phone call telling me the bad news.
    They only have 2 khumo 33 12.5's in stock, they did offer Marshall 834's but they don’t look to be quite as good.
    I will have to make my mind up very soon as my trip to the Alps starts on the 8th of dec.
    Any suggestions on tyres?

  • #2
    Ordered from where????


    • #3
      @ £77.55 each thats including VAT.


      • #4
        If you want to pay a bit more (i think)

        Then try www.camskill.com

        (another plug .... )

        They should be able to sort you out.

        A Marshall MT is the same as the older Kumho 834 tread pattern.

        Its a good tyre an you wont have many issues with it. If you want the look of the KL71 then stick with them but you wont be getting short changed with a Marshall.

        I think its just a Kumho with a different name stamped on the side anyway...

