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One Fu$%ed Up 100 Series

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  • One Fu$%ed Up 100 Series

    Gday Guys,

    Here's some photos of a 100 series ute after it was bogged on a beach north of Broome in Northern Western Australia. The tide then came in
    Tides in Broome can be as large as 12 metres and happen 4 times a day
    The ute cost over $100 grand when purchased in 2007.

    Cheers Matt
    Last edited by hilux2.8; 3 May 2009, 12:05.
    Harden the Fuk Up Princess

  • #2

    I miss the Kimberly's the most....

    How did they get boged?
    One day at the time I guess..


    • #3
      Originally posted by hilux2.8 View Post
      Gday Guys,

      Here's some photos of a 100 series ute after it was bogged on a beach north of Broome in Northern Western Australia. The tide then came in
      Tides in Broome can be as large as 12 metres and happen 4 times a dayThe ute cost over $100 grand when purchased in 2007.

      Cheers Matt
      Maybe not 4 times a day, unless you are counting two high and two low tides?

      Some info on big tides - just outside my front door-scary......

      http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/coast/ and have a mooch about

      for Broome


      Tides usually take just about 12.5 hours from lo lo or hi hi. Its the moon you see, can't be trusted!
      Another member of the 'A' team


      • #4
        Originally posted by hilux2.8 View Post
        Gday Guys,

        Here's some photos of a 100 series ute after it was bogged on a beach north of Broome in Northern Western Australia. The tide then came in
        Tides in Broome can be as large as 12 metres and happen 4 times a day
        The ute cost over $100 grand when purchased in 2007.

        Cheers Matt
        Be alright mate.....Hilux's enjoy a good bathe in the sea!



        • #5
          How come the screen got broken after its ordeal in the sea?


          • #6
            Yes the tides are two high and two low per day.

            The screen got smashed from the recovery effort
            Harden the Fuk Up Princess


            • #7
              Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo View Post
              Maybe not 4 times a day, unless you are counting two high and two low tides?

              Some info on big tides - just outside my front door-scary......

              http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/coast/ and have a mooch about

              for Broome


              Tides usually take just about 12.5 hours from lo lo or hi hi. Its the moon you see, can't be trusted!
              Thanks for the great link its brilliant
              Harden the Fuk Up Princess

