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U.S. Elections.

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  • U.S. Elections.

    OK then, as no-one else has mentioned it, what do we all think of the result?
    Will it really mean things will change, and for the better?
    Personally I'm glad Obama got the job. I prefer the Democrats, Clinton was the last one and Carter before him.

  • #2
    Generally a good thing. Bush had to go anyway, and he was the main problem, but good to see a Democrat come back in.

    Still, he's full of shit and isn't going to make a whole heap of difference.


    • #3
      I think it's a good thing, (between the two anyway) i do think it'll go a long way in reduceing "anti americanism" from some other countrys,

      the klu klux clan wont be jumping for joy tho! (if theres any left)
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Lets face it, anybody would be better than bush. Gunna miss all his "can't believe he just said that" speeches though, cos there have been some belters.
        If its not broke don't fix it.


        • #5

          I've heard you can get brilliant odds on Obama being alive in 12 months time !

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6
            Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

            I've heard you can get brilliant odds on Obama being alive in 12 months time !

            TUT TUT, now your being a naughty boy saying that.

            P.S what are the odds by the way.
            If its not broke don't fix it.


            • #7
              nothing naughty about stating the inevitable. despite the developed world's so called multi-racial harmony, i don't see obama making old bones. more tolerance in this country of having a black prime minister, but a black president of the usa???!!! i hope he has a lot of luck on his side and on-the-ball secret service lads and lasses around him coz he'll unfortunately need them.

              but, as already mentioned. good to see the democrats back in power over there. it'll be nice to hear of good old fashioned sex scandals in the white house again rather than a president so incompetent he can't sign his own name properly.
              i swear, it was like that when i got here...


              • #8
                Originally posted by logey79 View Post
                nothing naughty about stating the inevitable. despite the developed world's so called multi-racial harmony, i don't see obama making old bones. more tolerance in this country of having a black prime minister, but a black president of the usa???!!! i hope he has a lot of luck on his side and on-the-ball secret service lads and lasses around him coz he'll unfortunately need them.

                Spot on !

                Despite being somewhere to the right of Atilla the Hun on most subjects I'd actually have voted for Obama HOWEVER I can't help feeling that a significant proportion of those that voted against him wouldn't be upset if he did a Kennedy

                Life is too important to take seriously !

