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  • #16
    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
    on motorway cops one night, a lorry driver refused to gaet out of his cab for the police, who were trying to arrest him. the reason he didnt want to get out was he was wearing not trousers..oh no.......he was wearing a stunning pair of stockings and high heels !!

    i very nearly weed meself
    Then you will love this Nokia ad on Youtube

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #17
      Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
      Then you will love this Nokia ad on Youtube

      trev....your worrying me !!

      Originally posted by mark g8awo View Post
      rumor has it one in three lorry drivers bash for the other side

      Im a lesbian for the record
      cool...........which part of lesbania are you from ??
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #18
        Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
        trev....your worrying me !!

        cool...........which part of lesbania are you from ??


        • #19
          Originally posted by da SLUG man View Post
          i'm going to complain that they kept refering to lorry drivers as prostitute murderers!!...

          i'm sure prostitute murderers came first!... driving was just a handy profession for them to get into!!

          and besides... you hear of far more transexual drivers.



          • #20
            " a man who works for a charity says i find it in extremely poor taste"

            well so bleedin what..to55pot.. i found it absolutely hilarious, as no doubt did the vast majority of others watching.someone should tell the daily mail reading nazi to rack off and go back to feelimg offended by himself...i dont care for his bandwagon jumping, on the back of brand/ross
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #21
              Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
              " a man who works for a charity says i find it in extremely poor taste"

              well so bleedin what..to55pot.. i found it absolutely hilarious, as no doubt did the vast majority of others watching.someone should tell the daily mail reading nazi to rack off and go back to feelimg offended by himself...i dont care for his bandwagon jumping, on the back of brand/ross
              Jezza is registering on here at the moment!

              He may or may not be the one in the above article though.


              • #22
                How come a BBC spokesperson said "The vast majority of Top Gear viewers have clear expectations of Jeremy Clarkson's long-established and frequently provocative on-screen persona"

                whilst they also said

                "In the meantime, I have decided that it is not appropriate for either Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross to continue broadcasting on the BBC until I have seen the full report of the actions of all concerned.

                This gross lapse of taste by the performers and the production team has angered licence payers."

                just wondering???


                • #23
                  if the brand/ross situation had never happened, then the complaints against this particular clarkson dog egg would imho be less than the 500 compaklints recieved so far.
                  if every one in the world has turned in major bunty frobisher ,eg disgusted of tunbridge wells, we are on as just a perilous route if brand and ross had "gotten away" with there telephone call
                  brand and ross went overboard....but it cannot mean complete censure of our media....who are the worse of the lot with their fake sentiment.take any tabloid..full of indignation and t!ts on page 3.
                  i appreciate that there are boundaries required, especially in a public funded broadcaster, but in a letter in a national news paper recently ,a call to scrap certain programmes and replace with

                  laurel and hardy !! .become to secular and then what??do we become iran ??
                  Last edited by gwh200; 4 November 2008, 22:44.
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                    How come a BBC spokesperson said "The vast majority of Top Gear viewers have clear expectations of Jeremy Clarkson's long-established and frequently provocative on-screen persona"

                    whilst they also said

                    "In the meantime, I have decided that it is not appropriate for either Russell Brand or Jonathan Ross to continue broadcasting on the BBC until I have seen the full report of the actions of all concerned.

                    This gross lapse of taste by the performers and the production team has angered licence payers."

                    just wondering???
                    jeremy clarkson didn't phone the grandad of a murdered prostitute and leave an answerphone message??
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                    • #25
                      Right (and sorry to drag this up everyone). The first thing I would say is that I like Jeremy Clarkson, find him funny and don't have any issue with him saying anything about prostitute murdering transexual lorry drivers. The second thing I would say is that I don't like Jonathan Ross and that, whilst I do find Russell Brand funny, I don't have much time for drug addicts, of which he is one.

                      As for what Ross and Brand actually did, you have to bear in mind that Andrew Sachs knew they would call him and knew what they were both like. If you read the transcript, Brand didn't actually do anything much - he just went along with Ross being a nob and giggled like a naughty kid. Ross acted like a prize dick, but that's what he does and has done for years. He is certainly no worse than Graham Norton on that front though.

                      There were two things that blew it out of proportion. One was that the BBC broadcast something that they would have edited out 99% of the time. I don't think Andrew Sachs or his granddaughter would have been anything like as upset if the prank calls hadn't been broadcast to the public. The second reason is that the publicity hungry granddaughter made it into something big. If you read the transcript, Russell Brand never said anything about her other than that he knew her. Anything that has come out about their exploits has come from her.

                      You have to remember, too, that eight days after it had been broadcast only two people had complained. The rest followed after the media had brought it to the public's attention.

                      Anyway, my point is kind of like GWH's in that I am firstly saying that the BBC are hypocrites and secondly that they have brought these complaints on themselves by giving in to the Daily Mail readers last time.


                      • #26
                        the best quote was russell brand on radio 1 the other week... he said "i've 'met' andrew sachs' grandaughter... in fact i've 'met' her brains out"
                        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                        • #27
                          Amen Sanch.
                          By the way, seen this...?

