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what do you think?should i buy it

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  • what do you think?should i buy it


    what should i look out for?anybody know this truck

  • #2
    not bad tbh,if u held out u may get one with lower miles,but looks well looked after,shame someone sprayed those wheels tho,would have been chrome,oh and u can take the fake wood off the dash
    make sure cambelts done,make sure 4wd works off road,and check for head gasket,ie water in oil etc


    • #3
      like bdt2 said. hold out for a bit for lower mileage.

      plus you might get one in a man's colour.
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        yeh the colour is not the best,i think thats holding me back to be honest

        think i keep looking then


        • #5
          Originally posted by lexusman View Post
          yeh the colour is not the best,i think thats holding me back to be honest

          think i keep looking then
          You want thats looks like this!! its the best colour lol
          Attached Files
          I always work better wet .

          Its why I became a plumber!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by lexusman View Post
            yeh the colour is not the best,i think thats holding me back to be honest

            think i keep looking then
            wot colour do u want?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mike66 View Post
              You want thats looks like this!! its the best colour lol
              plz tell me u didnt let it go withose wheels on it??


              • #8
                Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                plz tell me u didnt let it go withose wheels on it??
                That was my first truck! Mind you second one was identical lmao

                And yes the wheels went with it , I didnt have anything to change with them and they were standard wheels . Just one of the options when it was bought.

                I was going to buy it back but they wanted £1600 the robbing gits!!
                I always work better wet .

                Its why I became a plumber!!!


                • #9
                  Andy was last seen crying
                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                    wot colour do u want?
                    dark and mean,but open to others if they look good


                    • #11
                      here u go,this looks better,but doesnt say mileage


                      • #12
                        yeh she's a mean truck,but a bit pricey,i ask how many miles its got


                        • #13
                          I cant go along with those who are advocating holding out for a lower mileage model. How much lower can you get on a 15 yr old vehicle. Probably not enough to matter and how far could you trust the reading anyway ?
                          That looks like a good truck. SSRG and with that uncommon cruise control. I think the driver airbag is a mistake however.
                          I kinda like it and could ( indeed have) live with the colour. Well worth a look in my view.
                          Sell the bull bar, sell the recaro interior and put in a standard one and youve almost got it for nothing

                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            How about mine?
                            It's petrol powered.

                            Kidding, not selling my baby.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by lexusman View Post
                              yeh she's a mean truck,but a bit pricey,i ask how many miles its got
                              gotta be woth an ask,and u could always try makin an offer

