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Sometimes, it's best to say nothing!

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  • Sometimes, it's best to say nothing!

    Giggles and I are going through a really bad time right now, Giggle's got health issues and we've both got serious family problems.

    All the folk on here that know what's going and have sent their wishes have helped us, especially Giggles, immensely. And for that I thank you.

    However, I'll be honest and say that some of the stuff folk say helps us. But a lot of it, whilst said with the best intentions, is soul destroying and best left unsaid!

    After some of the stuff that's happened today and as I rarely post in to personal threads anyway, unless it relates to Giggles or me, I'll no longer reply to any post about member's personal issues.

    After all, it only takes one fanny to totally bugger up the whole apple cart and I'd rather not be that fanny.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

  • #2
    I can apreciate that mate.

