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some good news and then some devastating news

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  • #16
    Cheers guys for your kind thoughts.Me and dad have always been close so it came as a complete shock on friday when he told me.He has always been a fit bloke not over weight and played sport in his younger years.My brother is flying back from Spain on Wednesday evening and my sister i ain't a clue on.
    I don't know whats harder,knowing that someone you love is going to die withing a few months and watch them suffering .or them just dying on the spot without any warning.
    We will be given a definate time scale this week but as his cancer is in the last stages it will be anytime now really so we're all making the best of the short time left with him.


    • #17
      Good news on the compo Rich real sorry to hear about your Dad. Cancer can ruin the life of others around you. My wife developed breast cancer 3 years ago. The first year was a nightmare chemo and radio therapy is not nice. She is doing well now though. You gotta keep strong mate. All the best to ya.


      • #18
        Stormy we so sorry to hear that bad news mate
        tell you one thing your Dad is a rich man ( no pun intended)to have a son like you and he knows it too
        you enjoy what time he has left with him buddy.
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #19
          sorry rich i feel for ya matey
          theres nothing no one can say
          just be stronge matey
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #20
            Sorry about your sad news Richard, when I got a phone call from my mum in 94 it was to tell me my dad was going to die & could I get there ASAP, I raced my car to be there but I never got the chance to talk to my dad, I would tell you to go & see him & spend some time with him, there may be things you need to tell eachother.

            In 2001 I received a call from my sister telling me my mum had less than a week, she had been diagnosed with cancer a few months earlier but she kept it quiet, I spent all my time with her for the last 5 days, we talked, we cried & we even laughed, make the most of the time you have.

            Take care mate
            I'm not a complete idiot.......

            My kneecap was removed in 1981


            • #21
              Sorry to hear your tragic news,I lost my father too prostate cancer seven years ago and my only regret is that I did not tell him I loved him,make sure you tell your dad thats all I can say.
              I swear to drunk I`m not God.


              • #22
                So sorry man. Sounds daft but if you need a break from reality your always welcome on the island. There is always a room free.
                Member of the 115,000k club


                • #23
                  Really sorry about your dad mate, spent as much time with him as you can, and good luck with the claim, bl00dy takes long enough doesn't it
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #24
                    Sorry to hear mate - my thoughts are with you all.
                    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                    • #25
                      really sorry to hear that richard, like the some others said at least you can say goodbye. i can't know what you and your family are going through but my thoughts are with you. keep your chin up fella.
                      it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4

