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some good news and then some devastating news

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  • some good news and then some devastating news

    I had my compensation medical report done yesterday and from what the specialist has said everything is in my favour for a good payout.
    I then have a phone call from my mother who i havent spoken to for 3 years who told me my dad has just been told he has pancreatic cancer which has spread to his liver and beyond.They only found out themselves yesterday and i just cant take it in.It has gone to far for any treatment and will only have a few months left.
    If i don't get to send any parts off that people have asked for then please bear with me and i will get round to it asap for you

  • #2
    sorry mate,u know where i am if u need me


    • #3
      Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
      sorry mate,u know where i am if u need me
      likewise...re the doors I'l wait to hear from you....away from 18th til end of month
      Did I mention I have a BLUE one


      • #4
        Haven't you worn out the bad luck charm yet ?

        You have my sympathy and best wishes mate.

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Tony you can still come for the doors when ever your ready mate.They are all off and ready for you anyway


          • #6
            I feel for you Richard,
            It surely must be your turn for some good luck soon mate

            Best wishes
            www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


            • #7
              Like I said on phone earlier Richard Don't worry about any bits as there's no rush n So Sorry to hear ya bad news mate.. Chin up

              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                I had my compensation medical report done yesterday and from what the specialist has said everything is in my favour for a good payout.
                I then have a phone call from my mother who i havent spoken to for 3 years who told me my dad has just been told he has pancreatic cancer which has spread to his liver and beyond.They only found out themselves yesterday and i just cant take it in.It has gone to far for any treatment and will only have a few months left.
                If i don't get to send any parts off that people have asked for then please bear with me and i will get round to it asap for you
                Rich mate - good news on the first part, I'm pretty sure that's what you wanted from that - but as for the second part, mate, I don't know what to say.....

                Just spend as much time with him and your mum as you can - make the most of him and your time together, and don't ever forget that there are one or two people here that will be happy to talk or just listen whenever you need to - you have my number so use it when you need to mate!
                Too old to care, young enough to remember


                • #9
                  This is maybe a bit intrusive, but I note you say you havent spoken to your Mum in 3 years. Have you been speaking to your Dad ??
                  If not its sure time to re-establish a bond. I know hes not going to get better but hopefully you and him can get some quality time before he goes.

                  Сви можемо


                  • #10
                    Jeez Rich, dont be worrying about sending parts out! People will understand. Be with you folks now, thats what matters. Thoughts are with you.
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear that Rich, our thoughts are with you all.


                      • #12
                        I know its annoying when people say "i know what you're going through", cos its no 2 people are the same, but i can go some way to understanding.

                        I'm going to court in 2 weeks to decide my payout from the crash i was in 4 years ago, so i know how that feels to progress, i just can't wait til its sorted!!

                        as for your horrible news, please try and be positive, and encourage your father too. At Easter my 83yo Nan had some blood tests done as she had been feeling a bit under the weather. She wasd rushed to hospital that day, tested on and diagnosed with lung cancer, cancer in her kidneys and liver, and her white blood cells were beginging to turn against the rest of her body. This was completely out of the blue and my mum was in pieces.
                        4 blood tranfusions later and she looked a lot better, but we were told to get the most out of what was likely to be our last 2 weeks with her.

                        That was easter, and i popped round to her house this morning to catch up with her, while grandad went shopping. She's doing really well in spirit, and in no pain at all. She knows whats happening and is just taking each day as it comes, and enjoying life again. I know the end will come for her, as it does us all, but she knows she's got the love of all of us, as I'm sure your father will of you.

                        Keep your chin up, be positive, and enjoy however much time you have with him, it'll hopefully surpirse you how of a fighter people can be.


                        Just trying to raise my postcount!


                        • #13
                          if you need anything rich or a chat you know where i am call anytime
                          cheers shaun
                          NO LONGER A SURFER NOW DRIVING A LEXUS


                          • #14
                            Well done for compo claim mate.
                            Hmm am no good at this sorry to hear stuff so al keep it short, sorry to hear the news. P.s that was my fith time typing something and deleted it,so i kept it real short


                            • #15
                              Don't think we've ever chatted before but read your news. Its awful, have just went through a similar thing with my sister. What one of the others said about spending time with familly etc is spot on. Best of luck to you all.


