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  • Geocaching

    Do any of you do this geocaching thing? I have a GPS & a sat nav so was thinking of giving it a go but just wanted to find out a bit more about it from those that have done it or are doing it.

    I'm not a complete idiot.......

    My kneecap was removed in 1981

  • #2
    we've just done it a couple of times with one of our youth groups so I'm no expert, but from what we've done it's pretty straightforward really, what do you wanna know?
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Been doing it for a couple of years now and done about 400.
      What do you need to know?
      You can contact me from the geocaching site as Team Marigold.
      Time is an illusion.
      Lunchtime doubly so.


      • #4
        Thanks, do you do it as a group? how do you normally do it? I was thinking of several cars with a list of points & each vehicle goes off to make their way through the list & meeting up later, or a group of people in one car go off & complete the list, I just wondered how others do it as I've not done it before.

        I'm not a complete idiot.......

        My kneecap was removed in 1981


        • #5

          What you describe sounds more like a treasure hunt than Geoaching as such.
          The way Geocaching works is that someone hides something somewhere and then publishes the co-ordinates on a website (usually www.geocaching.com).
          You then put the co-ordinates into your gps and set out and find it. It is similar to the letter boxing that they do on dart moor and places like that.
          The website is free to join and there is an excellent forum dedicated to the UK where UK caches would be only too happy to offer any help needed.
          What you are suggesting sounds like fun though.
          Hope this helps but if you have any more questions just let me know.
          Time is an illusion.
          Lunchtime doubly so.


          • #6
            What type of things do you normally take with you to exchange in the boxes etc? I was going to put some bit's & pieces in the car ready for when we go, to start off with it will just be me & my other half but I was hoping to include a few others too & hence the treasure hunt style geocaching idea, I didn't know if others do it like that too.

            I'm not a complete idiot.......

            My kneecap was removed in 1981


            • #7
              Hi Ian,
              Nothing of great vale.
              We generally stock up on "tat" when ever we see it and just leave something if we take something.
              Items are usually aimed more towards the kids but we have left in the past stuff like keyrings , pens, crayon sets, small toys etc.
              The sort of stuff you can pick up in pound shops or tourist stuff.
              You find loads of different things in boxes. Some a bunch of junk, some really useful stuff. That is part of the fun.
              You should not leave anything dangerous knives, matches etc nothing perishable such as food items, and nothing scented that might attract animals to dig it up.
              Again there are some good guidelines available at the geocaching.com website.
              My advice would be just find a cache you fancy doing, download the co-ordinates and cache sheet and get out there and try it. If you don't enjoy it it hasn't really cost you anything as you have the gps already.
              We have found many many great places that we would not have found without caching.
              Let me know if you need anything else.
              Time is an illusion.
              Lunchtime doubly so.


              • #8
                Thanks Chris, I'll give it a go on sunday & maybe take the dog with us.

                I'm not a complete idiot.......

                My kneecap was removed in 1981


                • #9
                  Have fun.
                  Time is an illusion.
                  Lunchtime doubly so.

