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Prospective buyer

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  • Prospective buyer

    I am looking for a twin-cab 4x4 and really like the Surf's styling, although am worried by the problems of head failure, recalls, insurance etc. with imports. So, am considering a UK 4-Runner.

    What are the main differences between the two and does the UK car have any drastic problems?


  • #2
    just been through the same deliberation... and i'm picking my 2.4 Surf up later today. Sure there is the risk you might have a problem, but then you can say that about any 2nd hand vehicle.

    with regards to insurance, i dont know what everyone else is paying but myself and my partner have just insured it FComp with business use, we're both in our 30s both with accidents and one with points... premium was almost bang on £600.
    Last edited by Dexter; 20 April 2004, 14:10.
    [I][B][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]1993 SSR-X 2.4[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/I]


    • #3
      Originally posted by PMW
      I am looking for a twin-cab 4x4 and really like the Surf's styling, although am worried by the problems of head failure, recalls, insurance etc. with imports. So, am considering a UK 4-Runner.

      What are the main differences between the two and does the UK car have any drastic problems?

      No drastic problems, just down on spec compared to the Jap spec motor.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        If you're worried about the head failure problem some 2.4's have had, why no go for the 3.0TD which has a redesigned head. It's should have more torque, and there isn't a massive difference in mpg from what I've read here in the past.

        Any 2nd hand vehicle can have potentially big problems, import or not. Best bet is to give it a good checking over, ask the seller any and every question you want answering regardless of how dumb it may sound, and I'm sure we (on this forum) will help with what we can.

        As for insurance, Tesco seem to be doing very well lately. I've saved nearly £200 swapping from Privilege, and the Mrs on her Clio saved nearly £100.

        Finally, as already said, UK spec seems to be a little lower so if you like your toys you may be put off.
        Everything's easy, when you know how!

