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Picturesssss River Deep Mountain High

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  • #16
    you would have loved it this time round dave..........where val pi55ed her pants last year........this time round ALL of us nearly s h a t ours !!
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #17
      Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
      you would have loved it this time round dave..........where val pi55ed her pants last year........this time round ALL of us nearly s h a t ours !!

      Glad it was a good un
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jonny77 View Post
        Whats the story with the 2 Je*ps that have fallen over?
        To tip one Jeep over, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to tip both over looks like carelessness....
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #19

          Nah mate, not me! I didn't have time to sh*t myself, I was too busy trying to pry my rigid white knuckles off the steering wheel! You need to stay tight towards the rock, but not too tight otherwise the big rock you said you could jemmy out will flick you off towards the edge - as Goran found to his underwear's cost
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #20
            Is gordons new nickname goran then? or is it a typo.

            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #21
              Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
              Is gordons new nickname goran then? or is it a typo.
              sorr I thought i told you - Gordon is an alias , Goran is my real name. Last night, pub, very ####ed.
              Oh BTW
              I also tols em bout Daangergozlow, sorry
              私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


              • #22
                Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                sorr I thought i told you - Gordon is an alias , Goran is my real name. Last night, pub, very ####ed.
                Oh BTW
                I also tols em bout Daangergozlow, sorry
                oh aye, yuogoslavian eh.....

                can't beleive you told em without a fire at yer feet.

                did they laugh?

                yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                • #23
                  there was a fire, it was next to the fire, in a pub. it was the same kind of atmosphere. I gave you all the credit
                  私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Bibs View Post
                    What happened to you today?
                    Was looking forward to heading north to meet up with you Bibs, but after Happy Valley the wife had had enough and we decided to cut and head home.

                    Route home was almost as exciting as the laning.

                    Came across a overflowing lake, with about a foot or so of water over the road, could hardly see where lake ended and road started. Next came to a road closure and ended up helping caravan owner out of flood and putting him back on different route to Welshpool as he had no maps with him.

                    Left him and came across another flooded river flowing across the road. This was at least wheel deep, but Growler just plodded on through and took it all in his stride Damn am I happy I bought a SURF

                    After that it was plain sailing all the way home


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by sledge View Post
                      great pic's mate glad to hear the tyres held up ok lol
                      lol me too.....
                      they have a few slashes here and there....
                      But deffo are good.....

                      Originally posted by joker?? View Post
                      nice pics looks like a great weekend was had , wish my weekend was as much fun , oh well lets see how it goes next year
                      Yeah deffo was the brilliant....
                      get urself down there next year.... I'll deffo be there again....
                      (Hopefully the whole weekend....)

                      Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                      you would have loved it this time round dave..........where val pi55ed her pants last year........this time round ALL of us nearly s h a t ours !!
                      grrrrrr I have to go there soon to see if my round muscle holds up....

                      Originally posted by Chillitt View Post
                      To tip one Jeep over, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to tip both over looks like carelessness....
                      Yeah I think they where ####ed out of their brain when they where there....

                      Originally posted by Apache View Post

                      Nah mate, not me! I didn't have time to sh*t myself, I was too busy trying to pry my rigid white knuckles off the steering wheel! You need to stay tight towards the rock, but not too tight otherwise the big rock you said you could jemmy out will flick you off towards the edge - as Goran found to his underwear's cost
                      Andy when Mudsurfer can drive again I am going there for the day....
                      I think u have to come....
                      hehe and show how it's done....
                      One day at the time I guess..


                      • #26
                        What a cracking looking trip, glad everyone had a blast.
                        I just know driving it is way better than those great photo's make it look.

