i smoke alot
its a bad habit i know it stinks my surf out
what buggs me is the fag ash all over mi surf
every car i have had ends up covered in ash
why cant car makers put the ash tray on the right hand side?
well being a smoker i dont use my ash tray passangers do
it takes your eye of the road if the driver use's it
so why put it there ?
well iam getting sick of flicking ash in my foot well
yes its like an ash tray it stinks too
i smoke i know but dont like the smell of cigs
any got a right hand ash tray invention
i have tryed a few things
they have broke fell off flown out my window
blown ash in my face but never really worked
they fall to bit off road thats when i lose em
i dont like flicking ash out the window or flicking a butt out too
its a bad habit i know it stinks my surf out
what buggs me is the fag ash all over mi surf
every car i have had ends up covered in ash
why cant car makers put the ash tray on the right hand side?
well being a smoker i dont use my ash tray passangers do
it takes your eye of the road if the driver use's it
so why put it there ?
well iam getting sick of flicking ash in my foot well
yes its like an ash tray it stinks too
i smoke i know but dont like the smell of cigs
any got a right hand ash tray invention
i have tryed a few things
they have broke fell off flown out my window
blown ash in my face but never really worked
they fall to bit off road thats when i lose em
i dont like flicking ash out the window or flicking a butt out too