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2nd to 9th oct

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  • 2nd to 9th oct

    i will not be around much in the dates given
    i have to look after mi dads pub coz he's off to some irland somewere

    if any ones in this area
    in the dates 2nd to the 9th of oct
    and fancey a free beer on me
    i be at the shakespeare inn rotherham next to security car
    just bring ya surf has proof ask for juddy
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
    i will not be around much in the dates given
    i have to look after mi dads pub coz he's off to some irland somewere

    if any ones in this area
    in the dates 2nd to the 9th of oct
    and fancey a free beer on me
    i be at the shakespeare inn rotherham next to security car
    just bring ya surf has proof ask for judy
    Hey dude something you aint telling us????


    • #3
      Originally posted by yoshie View Post
      Hey dude something you aint telling us????

      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

