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@Joker & Surf widow

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  • @Joker & Surf widow

    A hugh great big fat mahoosive THANKS to Dave & Val for plying me with Chinese, beer and a bed for the night on Wednesday. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening and great to see you both again. The next one’s on me. The misses says she aint working on 18th oct so should be able to make Norwich as long as i don’t have to work. Anyway thanks again and see you both very soon.

  • #2
    pleasure to meet you ant welcome to pop around anytime your in london for a beer and grub
    see you soon mate,

    ps , we stop at red lights in london.............................. sometimes lol

    pps did you get your rear light guards???
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #3
      Originally posted by joker?? View Post
      pleasure to meet you ant welcome to pop around anytime your in london for a beer and grub
      see you soon mate,

      ps , we stop at red lights in london.............................. sometimes lol

      pps did you get your rear light guards???
      Hehe, red lights.........pah, too much pedal and foot coordination for my liking.
      Light guards fitted and towing electrics fitted in rear bumper, see ya soon.

