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Oh happy day No2

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  • Oh happy day No2

    He's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, ease back , e spack, eees baccysssssss BACK

    After 2 weeks in the garage we brought the beasty home on Friday and yesterday it got a lovely wash and polish (my arms still ache !!) and then we put our Forum star on our star....

    The garage were really good, especially as they had a nightmare with the replacement head being faulty!!!

    We are VERY HAPPY..... (you might have guessed !!!)
    Had enough... going to live in Spain....

  • #2
    Originally posted by Helen
    He's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, ease back , e spack, eees baccysssssss BACK

    After 2 weeks in the garage we brought the beasty home on Friday and yesterday it got a lovely wash and polish (my arms still ache !!) and then we put our Forum star on our star....

    The garage were really good, especially as they had a nightmare with the replacement head being faulty!!!

    We are VERY HAPPY..... (you might have guessed !!!)

    Nows the time to get it muddy again ..LOL


    • #3
      Originally posted by Helen
      He's back, he's back, he's back, he's back, ease back , e spack, eees baccysssssss BACK

      After 2 weeks in the garage we brought the beasty home on Friday and yesterday it got a lovely wash and polish (my arms still ache !!) and then we put our Forum star on our star....

      The garage were really good, especially as they had a nightmare with the replacement head being faulty!!!

      We are VERY HAPPY..... (you might have guessed !!!)

      Glad you got him back all ok. Now you can relax and enjoy
      I'm a custard donut monster


      • #4
        Happy that you,re happy. Good that you are up and running now get out there and ENJOY
        WD40 "He who Thinks Australian"


        • #5
          Whens the next outing ?? i'll have a looksee right now.... shame we missed Langdale, what did you do to the bar ???
          Had enough... going to live in Spain....


          • #6
            Good to hear its back where it belongs, enjoy to the full.
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #7
              Only outing I see in May we can't make coz of holiday.... when's next Pit ??
              Had enough... going to live in Spain....


              • #8
                Good news Helen, Purley will be a happier place now youre both grinning again.
                The dates I've got when the pit is open so far are...
                23rd May, 13th June, 27th June, 5th Sept, 26th Sept, 17th Oct, 7th Nov, 21st Nov, 5th Dec, 19th Dec.......but I stand to be corrected.


                • #9
                  Glad to hear your back in the saddle again.

                  Look forward to seeing you both (you and Tom that is).
                  All the best
                  Rubblebags (Geoff).


                  • #10

                    Next Pit is the day after we go on hols.... will have to be June... roll on...

                    Thanks for all your msgs... it is great to be back on the road... now we got get on the mud...
                    Had enough... going to live in Spain....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Helen
                      Next Pit is the day after we go on hols.... will have to be June... roll on...

                      Thanks for all your msgs... it is great to be back on the road... now we got get on the mud...
                      Glad he's back ok!!! Theres a TV 4x4 meet at Pingewood next Sunday....




                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Linda
                        Glad he's back ok!!! Theres a TV 4x4 meet at Pingewood next Sunday....

                        And I'm not working for a change...... I'll tell Tom....
                        Is a list of names required, where can I add mine ??

                        Cheers girlie.....
                        Had enough... going to live in Spain....

