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  • #16
    Any internal combustion engine that burns in an oxygen environment - i.e. Petrol, LPG, Diesel can get increased burn from fitting NOS. NOS is afterall only a way of delivering more oxygen and has no other chemical value in an engine.

    The only difficulties that I can forsee are the far higher combustion temperatures already within a Diesel engine partly due to the higher compression ratio, which may mean with increased burn power due to the NOS that the head temperatures may exceed that which would be desirable for longevity, even when the NOS is only used for a few seconds at a time.

    Also depending on what you are using the Surf for, NOS may not give an acceptable increase in performance in the right place, it's only really of value for short acceleration burst such as Drag racing and getting a bit extra poke away from the lights. For instance it would be completely useless for sustained uphill work when running off road as you would run out of NOS before it was of any use, and if you didn't switch off the NOS you would cook the engine well and truely.


