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iam bord

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  • iam bord

    boring today now i cant go off roading
    but i have no pain today and i have teken no meds today too
    so thats good point of today

    so i want to do something nice anything beats sitting around here all day
    any ideas anyone
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    I know how you feel i cant drive of go out on my motorbike. cos i had vertigo. i live on my own and walking anywhere is a little bit risky and i stumble like a drunk after a weekend bender!! There is only so much tv i can watch and i filled that quota at about lunchtime wednesday (can on on wednesday!).
    it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


    • #3
      yep its no fun
      i walk like tewbacker most the time
      its like a sort of monkey swing i got when in pain
      its quite cool to watch my mates find it funny anyhow
      going anywere is a big venture for me
      but its just pain mate so i put my self has much has i can to enjoy life

      but feeling that way with a love for motobikes is a bummer mate
      my wife suffered that the last few weeks is wiered how it works
      with the off balance thing
      but i know how it feels
      i get these wiered leg twingers my legs will kick out on there own
      and at times they just give way and i do fall over from time to time
      i wake up some mornings and my legs dont work
      i get off the bed and fall to the floor
      i sh1t me self when it happends i lay there hopeing that pins and needles will come throgh my legs
      i know then that they will be back with in 30 mins or so

      but one day i will lose the use of my legs (or so iam told)
      but i will just make the surf into a thumb pust rev and go
      its never going to stop me havin a life
      its just a bit of pain realy
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

