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Magnetic forces to blame for 9/11 tower collapse?

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  • Magnetic forces to blame for 9/11 tower collapse?

    Magnetic forces to blame for 9/11 tower collapse?


    Scientists can finally explain why the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, despite the temperature of the fires being well below the 1,500C melting point of the steel girders holding up the buildings.

    The discovery that unusual magnetic forces within the girders made them weak at temperatures of about 500C explains away the conspiracy theories that have spread like wildfire since the disaster.

    Sergei Dudarev, of the UK Atomic Energy Agency, found that steel loses its strength above 500C because its molecules undergo a physical transition from one state to another due to magnetic fluctuations. "The steel didn't melt, it just became soft. It is an unusual state and the temperatures in the Twin Towers were high enough to cause it because the thermal insulation was knocked off the girders through the impact with the aircraft," he said.

    "Understanding how materials behave means we can find the right 'medicine' to make steel stronger at high temperatures... and if our work can be used for other applications, such as safeguarding tall buildings against disasters, so much the better," he said.


    I suppose WTC Building 7 fell down because it seen the other 2 fall and didn't want to feel "left out"!

    Last edited by hellmett; 10 September 2008, 09:21.

  • #2
    Bolltox! they have to explain away the conspirisy as the truth owuld undermine too many people paying the Scientists wages.

    when I worked at the electricail Reasearch Association I remamber an old scientist there when refering to a £3 million government funded project, "that's the answer they need us to find all I have to do is work out how to get it!"
    Nissan Patrol for on-road, and a Land-Rover 110 shed for off-road :-)


    • #3
      So some clever dick scientist has just discovered what Blacksmiths have known for quite a while now.....
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chillitt View Post
        So some clever dick scientist has just discovered what Blacksmiths have known for quite a while now.....

        This "hey the melting point of steel is 1,500c it shouldn't have fallen down" stuff make me laff, its goes soft at far less than even 500c, so duh.. the lot fell down.

        Its not rocket science.

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          I love conspiracies. Such a good way to keep people busy...

          The world trade centre fell down because someone flew a couple of planes into it. The point at which the steel actually goes soft is kind of a minor detail, it just proves even more that flying 737s into buildings makes them fall over.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
            The world trade centre fell down because someone flew a couple of planes into it. The point at which the steel actually goes soft is kind of a minor detail, it just proves even more that flying 737s into buildings makes them fall over.

            ...you are a ###### legend. Gotta admire people that just tell it how it is, instead of tryin to explain everything with science/politics/some other bollox.
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              Originally posted by nero279 View Post

              ...you are a ###### legend. Gotta admire people that just tell it how it is, instead of tryin to explain everything with science/politics/some other bollox.
              ooohhh hark at you......wales in a couple of weeks and you said you WOULD deffo be going.

              the front passenger seat has been areserved for you,just ned to bring yourself, a tent and whatever else tickles your fancy.the cost is covered so c,mon dude.......................... ...
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8
                Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                ooohhh hark at you......wales in a couple of weeks and you said you WOULD deffo be going.

                the front passenger seat has been areserved for you,just ned to bring yourself, a tent and whatever else tickles your fancy.the cost is covered so c,mon dude.......................... ...
                ... that's not quite true, i said i'd definately be going to cornwall ...

                when is wales again?
                =SOLD UP!=


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nero279 View Post
                  ... that's not quite true, i said i'd definately be going to cornwall ...

                  when is wales again?
                  but you definitely di NOT go to cornwall.....fri oct 3rd for 3 days...you just need to get to my house and bobs your aunty
                  Non intercooled nothing.

