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  • Unf###inbelievable

    I watched that trevor mcdonald programme on recycleing last night, it appeares the stuff we sort out and put in our recycleing bin at pain of getting a fixed penalty charge if we put the wrong sort of stuff in there or put too much of it in there is ending up as landfill in INDIA, has the world gone completly f##kin nuts? wot sort of carbon footprints that leaveing shipping it to india?? it's one big graft this society from top to bottom, and the further up you go the bigger the rip off,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Totally agree Ian ... they should be paying us for thr re-cycling bit n then they charge us to just toss it any where for a shite load of wonga aaahhhhhh

    There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      this whole green issue and global warming is all a load of boll--ks just another way of taxation and money grabbing giving jobs for the boys and to create jobs that are not really needed.


      • #4
        I'm far from being an expert on global warming, but I did do a 100,000 word essay on it a while back. It, IMHO, is a load of bullpoo. It's cyclic. 500 years ago, average temperatures were higher than they are now.

        Also, one of the studies done into global warming concluded it was actually happening as average temperatures have risen 0.7 degrees (Centigrade) in the past 10 years. Their error margins were set at +-1.5 degrees, so the temperature increase they based their GW claim on wasn't even 50% of their +error bar.
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #5

          It's all rubbish!

          The temp of the earth is controlled by Bill Gates and George Bush.

          They have a thermostat linked to the earth's core in an office in Gate's mansion.

          When they need to make the inhabitants of the planet feel pressured they just turn the heat up a few degrees.

          While we are all worrying about global warming they can get on with more important things like designing chips to plant in our heads.

          NO, but seriously!

          Mother earth will look after herself!

          It is a cycle that she follows!

          Just when we have done enough to #### her off she will destry us and start again.

          Scientists believe that this has been done many, many times before.

          I think man is very stupid to think that he will be here forever, I suppose it's only a matter of time before we have a disaster that will wipe us all out.

          They say it is only a matter of time before a comet hits us, I just hope that I will not be here to experience it!



          • #6
            Well, if today's super collider experiment goes as tits up as the doomsayers predict. We're all going to be sucked into a blackhole never to exist.

            Last edited by captain_chaos; 10 September 2008, 09:17. Reason: added link
            Hold my beer and watch this

