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ohh nooo the shame I will have....

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  • ohh nooo the shame I will have....

    ohh nooo I have to actually clean the truck for once 2mo...
    Inside and out....

    Seen as she is going to the proper Toyota garage on Monday for the steering re-call and a wheel alignment.

    I think she shud go in there clean-ish be much nicer for the mechanics to do a proper job....

    So 2mo I will be driving a bright sparkling red truck for once..
    Better take it in some mud Monday nite hehe to get the truck looking normal again....
    One day at the time I guess..

  • #2
    and just got back from shooting in wales and mine is covered in mud ,
    i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


    • #3
      hehe nice one..

      that is where I will be taking mine soon again....

      I like the lanes round Llangollen....

      where did u go shooting?
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        just outside ruthin on a farm.

        had a good night just a tad wet .
        i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


        • #5
          Hippo went in muddy

          They attempted to clean her, somehow I cannot see their valeter being the happiest of bunnies

          And yes she was running on veg as well, they do however get their own back, every so often the mailshot's use my letter box for target practice

          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6
            Originally posted by johnd View Post
            just outside ruthin on a farm.

            had a good night just a tad wet .
            nice one....

            Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
            Hippo went in muddy

            They attempted to clean her, somehow I cannot see their valeter being the happiest of bunnies

            And yes she was running on veg as well, they do however get their own back, every so often the mailshot's use my letter box for target practice

            HEHE I did think about that but am so skinned that I hav to do it myself....
            One day at the time I guess..


            • #7
              Originally posted by TobyJug View Post
              nice one....

              HEHE I did think about that but am so skinned that I hav to do it myself....
              Ahem, they did the valet as a part of the recall, whether or not you get one now is up to the dealer.

              All I had to cough up for was fuel, and that was a bank breaking yaris diesel it wasn't the fastest thing on 4 wheels (didn't even have a turbo on it) but it was bl00dy cheap to run.

              I did notice when I picked Hippo up she was hidden out the back
              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


              • #8
                Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
                Ahem, they did the valet as a part of the recall, whether or not you get one now is up to the dealer.

                All I had to cough up for was fuel, and that was a bank breaking yaris diesel it wasn't the fastest thing on 4 wheels (didn't even have a turbo on it) but it was bl00dy cheap to run.

                I did notice when I picked Hippo up she was hidden out the back
                HAHA not bad then...

                I just thought I shud wash it so she looks half decent for the mechanic..
                I don't get a Yaris as I am going in at 13:30 and they will do the work straight away..
                So I am going into town and pick her up at 5 again...
                One day at the time I guess..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TobyJug View Post
                  I don't get a Yaris
                  Lucky bugga !!!
                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #10
                    well I have to walk haha..

                    Talking about the Yaris, back in '99 when they launched the Yaris I did my driving test in one....
                    I had to be careful not to stick my foot over all the peddles at once...

                    HAHA how can u not park that....

                    and guess what I passed straight away lol
                    One day at the time I guess..

